"Vendor, I'll buy this, and two dozen arrows," the vendor got out the arrow and wrapped a string around them to keep them together and handed them to me when I payed him.

"You seem to know your way with bow and arrows," Leo fell in to step beside me as we strolled off.

"Yep, so know not to mess with my bow, it was expensive."

He nodded, and I smirked. I slung my bow on my shoulder. We continued until it was noon, then headed back to the castle. Inside, the castle staff were busily working for the party to be ready.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and Hera was there.

"There's a meeting for the Alphas and Betas, along with their mates," Hera told me and led the way to the council chambers.

In the chambers, many people were milling around, and were dressed nicely. I looked shabby next to them, and then I still had my bow and arrows still with me. I all eyes fell on me and the friendly chatter started to become whispers. I could see some of the women looking at me scornfully like I wasn't supposed to be here. l ignored them all and sat down at the head of the table that was triple the size of the normal council meetings. Leo took the seat to right, and Hera sat to my left. Everyone else soon took suit and took their seats. Once sat down, everyone sat silent.

"So, what's the meeting about?" I asked to anyone who could answer.

An Alpha answered, "So that everyone can be acquainted with you, our new Alpha of Alphas," he said dryly.

Then, the introducing started. It went around in the circle, and everyone stated who they were and what they were. It was all really boring, and I bet many of them could tell I was bored.

Once the introducing was over, then many of the Luna's were having a heated discussion about me, and of course, they were all whispering, but I could hear them anyways, even though they were all gathered at the other end of the table which like forever away.

"She's just a child! She is unfit to be an Alpha, let alone be an Alpha of Alphas."

"But she must be strong, otherwise why would she even be an Alpha."

"She's a kid, she has no wisdom to properly lead a pack."

"Anyone can lead a pack. It depends on how loyal your pack mates are."

"Loyalty has no effect, a tyrant can lead because he instills fear in everyone to follow him."

The discussion continued, and the one Luna I liked was the were cat, and the angel. It was them against a witch Luna and a demon. Other Luna's sat around them, listening to them, unsure of who to side with. They were unaware of me moving towards them because they were arguing. So I went behind the witch Luna and peered over her shoulder and my face was near her ear.

"So watcha talkin about?" I said loudly.

The witch Luna looked like she would have flown into the air and kept goin. I had to stifle a laugh, but the were cat Luna laughed freely, along with those who sided with her. Now, the witch looked furious at me.

"Nothing that concerns you," she said icily.

"Oh, but it does. You all are arguing about whether or not I'm fit to rule as an Alpha," I said.

She looked shocked, "How did you know that?"

"I could hear you all."


"Not if you have ears like mine," I said.

I walked away from smirking, not caring whether or not they liked me. They couldn't effect my power as an Alpha. Leaving the room, Hera and Leo followed suit.

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