"Nor is there any unaccounted symbol here," Thorin certifies, huffing like she did seconds prior.

"Then this is a false end?" Endor asks, wishing for him to call it to avoid his criticism of her rash tendencies.

"Aye," Thorin says, rubbing his temples wearily with his thumb. Endor stands from the table, twisting her torso and effectively crack her back. She wishes to leave immediately, but cannot help placing her hand gently on Thorin's shoulder. "I swear I'll help you solve this mystery if it's the last thing I do."

The king nods slowly, and she second-guesses herself when she sees a small smile peek up on his lips. But it is a true sentiment expressed by Thorin, and one she cannot help returning. So as she moves from the library, their relationship brightens in infinitesimal amounts.


The next morning in preparation of their travel is unlike any morning Endor has experienced. Dwalin is the one to both awaken her and prepare her with clothes and supplies in hand. She dresses in a white tunic, black trousers, and a light-brown fur coat. Of course, her two swords are hung across her back, and no shoes cover her feet.

She meets the others at the main doors of the kingdom, all three dwarves already awaiting her. While Thorin simply looks away from her in ignorance to his fluttering heart at Endor's clean appearance, Fili and Kili send smiles in her direction. She returns them readily, petting her pony gently as her eyes look to the king for direction.

"It's half a day's ride to our meeting place. We leave now," Thorin says, prompting the other three to nod in agreement.

Endor places her sack on the back of the horse, preparing to mount by looping one foot in the stirrup nearest her. But having never mounted a horse, her face reflects fear, and one that Dwalin picks up on. "You need help lass?"

"Eh, I think I'll figure it out," Endor says, convincing herself of her inner strength as Dwalin laughs.

"Well then, I wish you the best of luck," Dwalin says, patting the girl on her back and turning to leave for his duties.

It becomes clear in that moment that Endor is as ungraceful as Bilbo Baggin, mounting her horse ungracefully. Fili and Kili begin chuckling at her stunt and discomfort, while the king tries to hold back a smile at her innocence. But this is no matter for the female, attempting to show her absent skill at horses. "Onward trusty steed!"

In fear, the pony gallops off at a quick pace, prompting the girl to scream and cling to the worn reins. But this scream turns into hysterical laughter in due time, Fili chasing after her on his own horse as Thorin and Kili trot slowly towards the destination. A small smile appears on the face of the king at the woman's stunt, especially since she is heading in the wrong direction, but it is one that Kili witnesses. "See, Uncle, it's hard not to love her."

The king glares heatedly at his nephew who flees towards the other two conversing creatures on horseback. And thus, Thorin simply sighs for the company of others, following after the silly hobbit, mischievous Kili, and loyal Fili.


It becomes clear, two hours into the journey, that Endor is antsy with the slow pace of travel. After belting out two hobbit songs, she relinquishes herself to possibly the most annoying tune that Thorin has ever heard. It takes all his willpower to prevent himself from killing the girl as she continues to sing. "Ninety-two Rivendell elves on the wall, ninety-two Rivendell elves. Take one down, pass it around. Ninety-one Rivendell elves on the wall."

"I do not believe those to be the lyrics," Fili remarks with a smirk, prompting Thorin to question how his nephews are dealing with this hobbit's nonsense.

Endotherm {Thorin/Hobbit}Where stories live. Discover now