Part XVIII: The Silver Tongue & Mark Toddle

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Part XVIII: The Silver Tongue & Mark Toddle 

Mark woke up suddenly. Rays of sunlight pierced through sides of the blinds. Four pillars surrounded his bed where small netting and thin designed blankets draped only to be tied to the pillars.  

"What's a matter, honey?" a woman rose beside him in response to the comforters suddenly being pushed aside.  

"Sorry Cass." Mark apologized, "I just had a weird dream." 

"What about," His wife asked curiously as she softly messaged his long small back. Mark rubbed the bridge of his nose; trying to conjure the memory. 

"I met a man named-" Mark dove deeper in his memory, "Named Locke Gareos. He told me to listen to the woman today." Cassie, Mark's wife, came to wrap her arms around her husband. She felt the small prickly hairs brush against her face as Mark turned his head unshaven face. 

"Who is this woman?" Cassie asked. Mark shrugged his shoulders, emphasizing his ignorance. A knock on the door interrupted them. A man in Dragon armor entered. 

"Morning Sir," The man said saluting. He coughed seeing his leader's moment of intimacy. "Sorry sir to interrupt. But General Kinlee has requested an audience with you and the rest of your cabinet set for latter morning. " 

"Thank you, Sir, You may return to post." Mark said cueing the man to salute and rotating and rotate back outside the door. "Oh.." Mark remembered causing the soldier to stop, "Did General Kinlee bring any woman to the conversation." The guard looked curious. A peculiar question and awfully specific 

"Why, Yes he did Sir." The guard responded. Mark nodded dismissing the guard. 

"That must be the woman," Mark said rotating his body off the bed. 

"What makes you say that," Cassie asked with a kiss on the temple. 

"I just have this feeling." Her husband said lifting himself up to take a quick shower. Cassie smiled still staying in bed. 

"I thought you weren't a faith based kind of guy." Mark scratched his head, affirming that comment 

"Something that can't be proven by evidence and consistency is invalid." Mark added about to take a shower. "and Faith is something riddled with inconsistencies and illogical decisions." Mark stated fading away Into studded silence. Mark took a sigh realizing what he said. If this thought process was in its purest form then love would be considered as an inconsistent and Illogical conundrum. Cassie smiled to her husband, seeing his distress 

"Don't worry about me." Cassie said standing up to begin bubbling around the room, "We both decided that love is hard to define with my faith and your more... logical approach." She carefully stated making sure to say the right words, "As long as we are there when we need each other to take care of each other," She smiled a dazzing smile to finish, "then that is good enough, right?" Mark smiled to give his understanding companion a hug to express his appreciation for her considerate words. He left her presence to take a shower as she returned to bed with reading material.  

Mark unconsciously went into a philosophical journey as he took a shower; the main topic, Love. Due to the inconsistency of love, Mark couldn't pinpoint the definition of love and left it as open ended. Different people define love in different ways and the couples that do survive often define love and express it differently. He left the shower on that note, posing a new question as he entered the dressing room.  

What is the reason for love; what makes it happen? Mark found, as many thinkers before him did, the reason to love is a whole different battle but equal the headache. Some define it in a Darwinist approach and seek love to find benefit in a companion; An equal bond between the two as a confidant and a hand to help in times when you need it. Some define it through a faith system witch even has more tiers of reasons. Mark had to leave this open ended as well due to, once again, the illogical and inconsistence nature of this particular enigma.  

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