Part VII: Intro To The Second Test

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Part VII: Intro To The Second Test

Locke exited the white void and as soon as he stepped out of the portal he felt weightlessness. He was surrounded by a bright light. He saw a confusing pattern of circle around circles of black and white faintly pulsated. Then he heard a voice behind him.

"Welcome to the vision of the speed of Light, Mr. Andherson" A man said behind him, "You know Mr. Andherson, the speed of light is right below the speed where meta physics come in."

"Whatever, Guide. " Locke said harshly, "My Name is not Mr. Andherson; It's Locke Gareos."

"Sure, Whatever. Sooner or later you'll get me. Mr. Andherson," Said the Black Mask Man, "Well then, on to the Second Test!" Locke was reminded that there were four tests in total. To leave Locke need to complete them all or die trying. Locke wanted to finish these test as fast as possible to see his traitor Creed.

"So what do I have to do here?" Locke asked. The Black Masked man snapped his fingers and the pulsating ceased to reveal a dark atmosphere where two galaxies danced in-between each other. These mighty formations assimilated and spread apart majestically.

Then with a flick of the Black Masked Man wrist he revealed a small white box within his hand. With a Bow The Masked Man's hand extended to cue Locke to take the box from his hand. Locke inspected the item frivolously.

"This test," Said the Masked Man as the two galaxies formed into one, "Is a game to complete that cube. The small box was sectioned off in seven smaller cubes length, width and height. Then with another flick of the Masked Man's wrist his surrounding turned white reveling a Red, Blue, Yellow, and Greed Door. Then above him was a Golden Door and below him was a Black Door.

"The Four doors that are not golden or black provide you a certain skill. You will find out as you go along. "

"What about the Golden or Black doors?" Locke asked

"The doors above and below you are the doors to reveal potential comrades." The Black Masked Man Explained. Locke smiled at the stupidity of that statement.

"Why Do I need comrades?" asked Locke, "I can do all I need to do on my own. Comrades don't help you they only hinder you then betray you when you need them most." Locke remembered what Creed did last time they met. She betrayed Him. But for some random reason Locke felt like he needed to see her to be with her. Also For some random reason Locke felt he was forgetting something. For now Locke was convinced that Creed Betrayed him. The Black Masked Man smiled at the Irony of Locke amnesia. The Smile quickly retracted and with a sighed said.

"The Previous owner predicted that his successor would be broken from the coliseums, so he created this place to be the second test so that the possible successor would get back the personality we all Love!" Locke ignored this and turned around to face the Blue Door. He opened the door and with a smile from the Black Masked Man Locke went though.

Next: Part VIII: The Shower

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