Part IV: Genesis of Locke

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Part IV: Genesis of Locke 

Locke was with Creed 2\/3 of the time. Creed received more time When she announced her relationship with Locke. As an effect, her reputation plummeted. She was going out with the loser, the good for nothing. Some of her so called friends had abandoned her. Creed and Locke barely saw John anymore. They had observed very fiercely on John's reactions, John stayed away from them, particularly Creed. Even though Creed lost most of her connections of gossip and many "Friends", She continued to stay with Locke. Locke knew how much Creed was sacrificing. He had made a solemn vow to become a better man, and person. He had to be more social, more intelligent, and more physically strong. He needed to be the man Creed Deserved. This motivation was a success. His social life however only extended to extracurricular activities. He knew if he tried anything to fast in school his reputation would get worse. He needed to do something about his social problems but he would tackle that later. For now his focus is to be the physical man Creed deserved. He needed to do a martial art.  

Locke passed by an advertisement on the road after school. The ad caught his interest. Locke signed up days later. He had enough confidence to try not to make a fool of himself the day of his first lesson. Time passed. The lessons were repetitive but each day had a small sense of difference. The Master wanted his students to make it a habit of the movements. He had never sweat as much until these sessions. He never really tried in other arduous activities life had presented previously. He didn't see any point. Time had passed, he wanted to be worthy to protect Creed when it is needed. After John left mysteriously that day, Locke felt Helpless and weak. An event like that cannot happen again. This was another motivation he found. He needed to be better than who he was before. Today's Locke cared about something. 

One day after his session Creed came see him. Today they had a date. Their dates only consist of cheap fast food dinners. Today's Dinner was WicDonald. They had to live with this because they lack income. Both of them didn't have a job yet. And Creed's parents had some doctrine to only supply money to her when it was needed for school; any other outside activity was automatically funded by her. Depending on her parents mood and circumstances before asking them, they would voluntary provided money. Locke's parent's however provided money to only pay taxes and with a $500 allowance every month for him to spend on food, supplies, his apartment, and other miscellaneous wants to purchase. This included his phone bill, furniture, a bike, and other things he could survive without. He didn't have to worry for payment for school because he went to a public school. If he ran out of money his parents would only pay for small meals. If he didn't have money to pay the rent he would be reprimanded. Punishment depended on his Father's Mood. Locke returned to Creed at a table after ordering their food and paying. 

After eating half of her Wic-Burger in silence Creed said "We need more money ." Locke took a big bite out of his Wic-Burger turned his eyes to her and quickly swallowed it. 

"Oh, why?" This response showed Locke's ignorance in the concept of dating. 

Creed sighed, "Well, me being kind and understanding," Creed said puffing her chest, "understands your confusion." Locke nodded as he took a sip of his drink, "You see girls sometimes need a little more than taking walks in a park to talk and dates consisting of fast food. Sometimes they need a little more." Locke nodded. He understood a small basis of what she was talking about now. He didn't know what "a little more was." He mind raced to shopping, movies, and more expensive dinners. He didn't know if this was what "a little more" was. So he asked. 

"So your saying you want to catch a movie, go shopping, and more expensive dinners." Creed placed her palms together and tilted her head to the side. 

"Pretty Please." She said with a smile. 

"Ok, ok, I'll try and find something." Locke said. Creed had patience and so she moved on to another subject. 

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