Part II: Confession

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Part II: Confession 

The sky was orange. The morning weather had almost died when Locke awoke. A cool chill was left in replace of the sunny day. Wind blew alongside the antonymous morning weather. This is the weather He loved. Locke often thought that he loved it even before he met Creed in kindergarten. Their relationship was purely innocent. They once often told secrets under a self-made tent of blankets. They once often spent time alone. Their representation of friendship was as close to perfection as a baby in its innocence. However that was when they were younger, now they are in high school sophomore year. Their ties seemed to fall apart. He was now sixteen while Creed was 15. They both passed puberty. With that mindset, Locke thought the only reason their friendship isn't as close as before was because of that.  

It wasn't usual that she spent more time with her girl-friends. Locke would often hear her and her friends speak of gossip or the Boys. She was beautiful, she was smart, she was the secretary of student council. It wasn't a surprise that other men would aim for her. How could she ever like Locke? Locke was weak hearted; the only thing he was good at was putting on that mask of loneliness and apathy. He cared if he was doing a good job. He cared if people talk to him badly behind his back or in front of his face. He didn't play sports. He was bad at most of them. He was the loser, teacher's pet, the good boy. But Locke held his ground through those fools that messed with him. He knew he could not defeat them, now at least. Despite all these flaws and the dangerous situations that could ruin Creed's reputation, if she had the time, they would spend time together. During these purely friendly sessions they would just talk about random stuff. There was not drama discussed, not flirting, just friendship. Today something was off. Creed was here when school had just ended. Every day she had student council meetings. As secretary her presence was necessary. 

"No student council today." Asked Locke. 

"Yep." Creed Said with a smile. I knew it was a lie. The Homecoming dance is coming next week. She needed to help Student Council with preparations. Locke had asked himself, Why is she here? Even with all these facts Locke didn't say anything to fight her lie. If She wanted to lie let her lie, she only lies when something important is on the line. 

"So," Locke trailed knowing that she had something important to say to him. He didn't know what. The long awkward silence came in between them. That moment Locke realized that all the emotions he had was of loved for her. Could she feel the same? This moment could be her confession. She was always there to cheer Locke up if something especially bad happened to him. She even loved and treasured her position as secretary on student council. She had done a good job and had always thought of others before herself in her job and every day. She had always been a friend when someone needed one, Locke was no exception.  

If this moment right now is more important than the important meeting she must attend then what should Locke expect. Locke fantasized what life would be like to have Creed as girlfriend. But Locke quickly reminded himself, you are worthless. There are so many other Guys better than you in more ways than one. He thought I am just one poor lazy Bastard that doesn't deserve anyone. Once again Locke fantasized the love and demoted that fantasy as impossible, improbable, pointless. But then Locke heard something. He heard Creed laugh. No word or sound came out as he was thinking. Why Would she laugh? Locke thought of many possibilities. Creed gave a sufficient answer. 

"You know Locke I have known you for a long time," 

"Ok-" Locke said anxiously 

"I know when you begin to have your thinking tangent. You would stare in a different direction unmoving. I guess you have noticed that I lied and you wonder why I lied about the student council, right?"  

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