Part V: The Coliseum

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Part V: The Coliseum 

Behind iron bars, Locke sat on a dry dirt floor. Light had shown itself through the cracks of the wooden door. oil lit light fixtures provided most of the light Inside the catacombs that Locke and other poor souls was in now. It was only when the battle befell the poor souls did they ever see natural light. His shirt and Jeans had small cut marks. Because of battle. Locke Hasn't seen Creed since the Black Masked Man took him here, to his the first test. He had played these games for at least a year now. A year of blood and battle changes a man. He had seen men torn apart by wolfs and mystical monsters. He reminded himself to think nothing of it or else he would go insane. Goodness and grace doesn't live here, doesn't go here, and Locke would bet ten lifetimes that goodness and grace will never come. As Locke sat in his small prison he saw a unfortunate soul pass by. The stench of death almost covered him. Two men on each side carried him. His lower half of his body was gone. The two Men dragged blood on the dirt floor. Locke predicted the official would choose to give him as a meal for the two legged Chimera. Dead men are only useful as shields and food, nothing else. 

Locke changed his sitting position. His body knelt over dropping down a moon like pendant around his neck. As soon as he found his sitting position Locke shuffled the pendant with his hand. He was trying to remember what it meant. What was the history? Why, no matter what, deep in his mind he could never bring himself to throw it away? It was important, he knew without knowing why. He would bet 100 lifetimes that this pendant was a sign of his past; when he wasn't in this hell hole. He felt this powerful force around this pendant. This force emitted this emotion almost like an open flood gate. Somehow he felt the emotion of this pendant. It was filled with Happiness and love. He almost forgot about that feeling. When he was almost sucked into the feelings of apathy all he would do, is look at this pendant and he would return to a small level of sanity.  

He didn't know why he could feel this emotion emitting from it. A natural talent? Maybe? Locke, for a long time, felt he didn't know many things. Why was he here? What was his past? Why can he see emotion? What comes next? Locke sighed at the thought then he dismissed it when he heard the wooden door creak again.  

A woman passed by, another unfortunate soul. Arms and legs chopped off. All that remained was a head and torso. He saw the soldiers treat the woman's wounds. They cleaned the wound and changed the bandages As she released noises of agony. Locke predicted that when she got to physical normality that when she would be in trouble. She could no longer give the crowd a good fight. They would probably try to turn her into a whore. What better whore that can holler like a dog, pant like a dog, be of better servitude than a dog, and can never run. Locke predicted the soldiers tending her would get first dibs. She should have died. He remembers the last whore they created. She had received so much ecstasy, that the poor thing could feel anymore. Without that she was useless. Imagination can take over for the ending. 

The guards stood in front of Locke's cell. He quickly put away the pendant as they shuffled the keys and played with the lock. Unlike the some of the prisoners here, Locke enjoyed the battle, the rush of adrenalin, the ecstasy of victory over a bloody corpse. A ray of light touched Locke's skin. He followed the guards to its source. As they walked they taunted him of his new adversary. A Horned Chimera they called a Minotaur. Through certain events, Locke became a special case unlike most of the prisoners here. Locke was fighting Chimeras unusually a violent and bloody executional spectacle. The game creators assembled each fight to entertain their guests. When Locke first got here he fought one man per day. They saw that the average man was no match for Locke. They raised the numbers to 20 men per day. They wanted to wear Locke out. He didn't give up.  

After 6 months of battle royal they moved him to team battle. However by the time he got to that stage, his physical strength still served him well, however his mental state was nearly broken. He hungered for blood and the ultimate Victory. Team battles were 50 men per team. His first battle was over water. Locke stood on one of five boats his team belonged. The goal was to gain all five flags the enemy boats possessed. They would also be after his team's flags.  

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