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The wagon creaked and jostled over tree roots and fought against the potholes covering the forest path. The sun peeked through the leaves and songbirds filled the silence. But no matter the distractions, my gaze remained on Aislin. I didn't know how to answer her or where to even begin. So many things had happened since I had last seen her, and everything blended together.

"We are about an hour from Aeneas's home..." I tried to explain, but was cut off by a faint complaint. Throwing a quick glare in Aeneas's direction proved ineffective.

"More like an uninhabitable place of residence, if you ask me." The old man's voice was low and gruff.

"Well, it's a good thing I didn't ask you then." I gritted. He 'humphed' in a grumpy tone, but left the argument alone.

Half-heartedly, I tried smiling at Aislin and asked, "how are you doing? Are you okay?" They were simple questions, with heavy answers. Even I knew that.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" She asked.

Perplexed by her question, I shook my head, not quite understanding the question.

"No. You are not dreaming." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Then why am I tied up?" She asked. Her voice was soft and weak. Whatever had happened to her these past few days, and up until a few minutes ago, I noticed had taken a toll on her and her appearance.

"Oh, yeah. About that..." I said, leaning over the seat of the wagon to help Aislin sit up.

Watching her as she turned to face me, I saw hesitance in her eyes. Keeping my head low, and averting her gaze, I focused on untying her hands. The lack of trust I felt from her cut deep. The pain was excruciating. The worst part was she had every right not to trust me.

Trying not to show my hurt feelings, I hoped all this was just a fluke. That I had been hallucinating when I saw hesitancy in her eyes, and that it hadn't really been there. The last thing I needed was for Aislin to learn the truth about us. But somehow I figured she knew more than she cared to share.

"It was precaution." I answered, fiddling with the last dumbfounded knot. Aeneas couldn't tie two strings together if his life depended on it.

"Why?" She asked softly. Something was bothering her and I wished I knew how to ask her what was wrong without making it look like I was prying.

I stopped what I was doing and looked up to face her. Pierced by her crystallizing blue eyes, a sharp tingling sensation ran down my spine. I didn't believe I would ever become accustomed to those eyes.

"You must have been dreaming, because you were thrashing around. Pretty violently, I might add." I answered her.

"Oh." Her eyes flickered only for a second. But I saw it; fear.

Fear of what? I wondered.

"I didn't say anything, did I?" It had taken a moment for her to gather the words, but when she spoke, I got goosebumps. Maybe she did know the truth. I couldn't panic now. That would only give away that I knew something. And explaining how I knew, was not something I was very interested in explaining at the moment.

"No, you didn't. Just a lot of whimpering, some tears, and an abundance of thrashing." My tone was soft as I was still uncertain how to determine what was going on inside that head of her's.

"You're sure?" It was more of a confirmation to herself, I could hear it in her voice. But it was still directed as a question. What was she trying to hide?

"Aislin, you didn't say anything. Is there something you would like tell me?" I asked, finally able to get the question out. But all the hoping and wishing in the world wouldn't have changed her answer....

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