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I don't know what is wrong with me. I didn't even know his name and thank goodness he didn't know mine. Because of my big mouth and issues with being truthful and honest, I had given away vital information to a complete stranger. Who does that? And, to top it off, I was acting like a nincompoop. It was obvious I had hit a nerve by disturbing his solitude, but I had genuinely apologized. He didn't even ask if I was okay. I mumbled to myself, igniting an ember. What a jerk!

Regardless, he had some manners, even when I had declined his first offer for breakfast. The truth was, as funny as that sounds, I had actually been starving, and didn't acknowledge it until he had mentioned food. But now, I was stuffed. Though the venison was extremely gamey, it definitely satisfied my hunger.

The sparse moments I had to myself, without his ogling eyes on me, I managed to sketch a pretty decent image of him. I tried to avoid obsessing over his abs, which were begging for my attention. I was able, however, to trace his chiseled and rugged jaw line, carving out his hazel eyes, which were crazy bright and saturated. His five o'clock shadow was the sexiest thing I have ever seen, on any man. He was rough around the edges, aren't they all, but the way he talked about his brother, Greyson, was it? He held a lot of admiration for him. Which told me one of two things, he either had issues with people in general, or the bond he shared with his brother was just that strong.

It was a long two-hour walk from where I had collided with him. When I first laid eyes on the wooden path, I was elated. Never had I thought I would see civilization again! And here we were, at last, entering the bustling streets of Korana. My heart skipped a couple of beats as relief suddenly wrapped its comfortable arms around me. The smile on my face was permanently fixated there and I could feel my eyes glow with happiness.

We walked down gravel streets, as the locals and their visitors bustled around us doing their business. Flowerpots planted with bushes, shrubs, trees, and of course all sorts of flowers lined the outside of storefronts we passed by. They were all different colors, shapes, and sizes. They were a bright and saturated rainbow array. I couldn't contain my enthusiasm as adorably cute boutiques came into view. I caught glances from locals who raised their brows at my giddiness. I almost forgot where I was heading and whom I was following, until it occurred to me he hadn't said anything about where this tavern was. Did he really even have a brother, Greyson? If he did, did Greyson even own a tavern? I swallowed my heart back down my throat.

"So, where is this tavern your brother, Greyson, owns?" I asked a little on edge. I could feel myself begin to tense and I became anxious and fidgety, making nervous glances all around me.

"It's just up ahead. A few more blocks and around that corner up there, by the coffee shop." He answered me quite quickly and without hesitation, I noted.

"Do you think we could stop by one of these boutiques, so I can look for some clothes?" I asked him, trying to buy some time.

"Sure. Here, there is this really unique shop I think you will like." He offered kindly. He turned around, showing off his wide brimmed smile and perfectly white teeth. Of course! Why wouldn't he have a perfectly white smile? I objected.

"What makes you think that?" I questioned him suspiciously, crossing my arms over my chest in a childlike manner.

"You'll see." He said with a devious smile, letting a few sparkles light up his eyes mischievously. I rolled my eyes. Not having exactly the choice and freedom I had wanted in choosing where I wanted to shop irritated me, but I followed him compliantly.

I followed him around the corner where he stopped in front of the third shop. The exterior of the boutique not only had flowerpots lining the outside, but when I glanced up, I noticed the storeowners had also decorated their sign with hanging flowerpots. All of the sights of Korana, so far, had embedded themselves within my thoughts, reminding me of the 1600's and the romantic era. How charming! I smiled to myself.

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