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"Throw him overboard. He is of more used to us in the water, then here on the ship." The witch spoke.

Her name and facial features were beginning to register with me. Lavinia. The woman who had been hunting me down since my escape from that dreadfully damp and isolated stone room. I had recognized her face before knowing her name. But now everything was making sense. Well, okay, maybe not everything. But I remember having heard her name back in the forest, the first time I had saved Nolan. Now, the puzzle is coming together slowly, one piece at a time.

My chest rose and fell as I tried to regain my strength. I was exhausted from treading water, trying to stay above the water's surface. My saving grace had been the ladder stationed on the side of the ship. Though, I could still feel the strain in my arms and a pinched nerve in my neck from pulling myself out of the water to reach the letter's lower platform. Even though I still felt the weight of my sopping wet clothes trying to keep me stationary. But nothing stung and burned like the salty liquid resting at the bottom of my lungs everytime I breathed in.

It was then my throat started to constrict, swelling with fear as I watched the two security men approach Nolan. Subconsciously mouthing 'no', I gently and slowly shook my head, trying to force the men to stop telepathically. But it wasn't working. Of course it wasn't working, why would it? Seeing Nolan's expression morph from relief to confusion only frustrated me more, as I tried to hold back my scream. Getting caught was not going to help either of us.

Trying to swallow the lump in my throat was pointless. It wasn't going to go away that easily. As far as I could see, nothing was going according to plan. Managing to pull and drag myself up out of the water had been enough of a daunting task alone. And now I was about to face it for the second time.

Gritting my teeth, with feline precision, I leapt quietly out of the semi comfortable and safety of the lifeboat, and back onto the ship's deck. Any nerve in my body that meant anything of importance had been numbed by the adrenaline and that now coursed through me, replacing my strength reserve. I only had one main objective; to save Nolan....again. The weariness that only a few seconds ago had consumed me was gone. I felt my legs work together, separated from my muscle's resistance as I moved like a predator across the starboard side to port side. There was no way I was going to risk swimming under the ship, even though I knew I could make it. It was Nolan I was concerned about. Knowing his chances were much slimmer than mine at holding his breath.

The splashing thump of Nolan's body disrupting the water's surface reached my ears. I was only a few strides from jumping and diving overboard. The silent pitter patter of my feet against the deck was my only salvation at this point. I had just enough of a head start to clear the ship's side. Nearing my point of entry, I was immediately disheartened as I picked up the shouts of crewman and her voice as they caught sight of me. Thanking my lucky stars, they were too late as I cleared the ship's side, diving into the crystal clear blue abyss.

The salt water burned my eyes, but the water was a lucid cerulean, making Nolan stand out like a sore thumb. He was sinking fast, with no time for me to think of how I was going to get him above water. Focusing on reaching Nolan, my head pounded with anxiousness as I propelled myself forward. I had no idea how long he was able to hold his breath before passing out. But I couldn't jeopardize any chance I had at reaching him.

Within what felt like a minute, I reached Nolan. I was running out of time holding my breath, and didn't dare wonder if Nolan would make it. I saw his legs tiring fast, trying to keep himself from sinking any further. It was hard not to notice the sea life actively swimming around us. Especially those darn sharks. Though, the serenity and tranquility of it all was soothing on a terrifying and intimidating level. Unfortunately, I had a bigger problem I was facing. How was I going to show Nolan the true purpose and nature of my locket. There was only one way I could think of in our current circumstances.

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