CHAPTER ELEVEN | aislin - part II

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Update 8/20/15
Added the picture and the soundtrack. I know it has been a long time coming, but I hope everyone from this point on can enjoy it :D Granted the girl isn't exactly the same, but the concept of the picture, though this picture is during the day... oh well.


Okay my Forever followers. I have decided to do chapter 11 in 3 parts, because I made a promise to post, and for whatever reason, this chapter I was not planning on. So, with that in mind, I am having difficulties writing it. I can envision everything. But to make it plausible and not sound fake, I have had to switch up my ideas.

So, I am going to do this chapter in parts. :D I hope you guys don't mind.

OH! On another note, I have decided that Forever will not be heading in the Sci-Fi direction, like Wattpad had labeled it. So, I will soon be changing it to Adventure, if you guys have any other genres ideas that it would fit better into, please let me know.

I also wanted to continue my thanks to those of you who have been with me from the start, and those of you who are just joining :D I love you all and could not continue on without you. So thank you. And, seeing as I will be doing these in parts, I will go back and dedicate each part and further parts to you wonderful Forever followers.

I don't want to hold you up any longer, so PLEASE remember to add this to your collection of wonderful stories, share with wonderful people, comment and vote :D

The first paragraph I rewrote, so I deleted it from part 1.


Hesitantly, I loosened my grip on the reins, settling into the saddle and letting Belle pick and choose her way, as I lost myself deep within my thoughts. I felt her muscles bunch and release beneath me as she maneuvered through the tight knit trees, carefully choosing her route. We walked in silence for what seemed like a lifetime, before my gaze landed on an object reflecting the moon's light. I urged Belle closer to the object, hastening her walk to a trot, not sure what to expect or find.

When my brain recognized what the object was, my heart leapt into my throat. It was Lady's bridle. I moved Belle up against the tree it was hanging from, scratching my right leg on the tree bark. I surveyed the area to the best of my ability, with the cloak of darkness fighting against my vision. I couldn't make out anything, but when Belle sniffed Lady's bridle, I felt her entire body go rigid. What did she sense that I couldn't see?

Then I heard it. Voices. They were deep and quiet. I didn't think they were that far away, so I encouraged Belle in the general direction the voices were coming from. It was a good thing I was not on foot, or my inability to be quiet would have for surely given me away. At least the scent of Belle would help override my human scent.

As Belle and I drew nearer, I could smell the burning of wood, as the smoke that drifted through the forest started to burn my eyes. The fact that we were traveling downwind gave me hope. With the fire acting as a protection over Belle's and my scent, I was anxious to see how close to base we could get. I was hoping to find Nolan and Lady. But then what? 

Halting Belle only a couple yards away, close enough to see the campfire and two burly silhouettes, I carefully and gracefully slid off Belle's back, silently placing my feet upon solid ground. At first, I leaned against Belle. My legs were like jello and wobbled beneath my lightweight frame. Even though my legs ad muscles had become acclimated to riding, they had not yet experienced the strenuous involvement it took to maintain one's balance on a galloping horse, weaving through tightly compacted trees.

I silently told Belle to stay put, not that she could actually understand me, but she seemed to sense my words through my tone. Tip-toeing over to a small clearing, protected by a couple of overgrown bushes, I parked myself, kneeling on the grass and tried to spy Nolan and Lady. I was disappointed at first, for I did not see them anywhere. Then movement caught my eye across the campfire, behind a large tree. 

Squinting, until I could barely see, I hardly could make out the swishing tail of Lady. Lowering my gaze, I distinguished the faint outline of Nolan's legs. Then, I noticed his arms tied behind him, wrapped around the tree's trunk. A frown creased my face as I began to wonder what my plan of action should be. But the voices of the two jerk wads cut into my thoughts.

"... tomorrow morning." The deep, rugged voice came from the man furthest from me. His baritone vocals bellowed softly it seemed so as not to disturb their prisoner. 

"I sure hope so. Chasing these rug rats was not in my job description." The other brute complained.

"I hear ya. If it wasn't for the handsome reward, I would have never even bothered."

Bothered? Reward? I glowered at the comments. We weren't criminals or outlaws. What were they talking about? 

"I hope you were right to take the boy hostage." The man closet to me scratched the back of his head.

"She needs him. She won't be able to find her way out of this forest if there were two of her." I felt the smoke billow from my ears. How dare they consider me an invalid. I knew more in my pinky than these two mongrels put together. The other bloat let out a full belly laugh and I felt my gaze become ice cold as I glared with dagger-like eyes at their backs. Now, they were going to pay.

Assessing their base camp, there was a dwindling fire surrounded by a company of rocks. Placed on top, playing a risky balancing act was a cooking rack. From the looks of it, and smell, they must have just gulped down the last of their dinner, because there was a small pot resting on the rack, over the fire, containing some leftover liquid. Whatever it was, I couldn't tell this late at night.

"You know, rumor is, this girl is close to the gods. That's what I heard her mention to the General before entering the girl's room." The one who seemed in charge of the whole operation was the one with the deep voice, sitting farthest away from me. 

"You mean to tell me that crazy lady, who sent us on this trek, believes stupid stuff like that? Come on, you're pulling my leg here, Bart." The stupid man closet to me said. I could hear the doubt and disbelief in his words.

"No. Lavinia said something about her mother's past and helping the gods with a task." Bart said defensively. 

"Sure. Believe what you want to, Bart. But the fact is, the gods don't exist." 

While the two dimwits argued, I crept to where they had Nolan and Lady tied up. But I didn't get very close, before Nolan's eyes sprang open, then softening as his mouth went slack when he saw me. Instead of smiling and happy I was there to rescue his sorry butt, he shook his head fiercely as I was just about to take a step closer. He tried to indicate, and did a good job, with his eyes something at my feet. 

Looking down, I noticed some rope in the shape of a circle. It took me a minute to realize what it was. But then my eyes lit up with understanding. They must have been expecting me to arrive earlier. Otherwise, why put a trap like this in front of Nolan, who would warn me, like he had, about it.

I couldn't exactly go around it, as thick, thorny bushes blocked my way to Nolan. My jaw tightened in frustration. I couldn't even reach Lady because she was on the other side of the thorny bushes as well. But, if I could carefully and quietly undo the trap, that would save me a headache in the long run. Kneeling down, I got to work.

Nolan's gaze was heavy as it weighed on my shoulders like a burden. Glancing up a couple of times, to keep tabs on my surroundings, I would catch a glimpse of Nolan looking at me, his eyes glazed over as if he had been drugged. I had to keep in mind that if I would have been paying attention, both Nolan and I would be here, tied to a tree. But another part of me wondered if I had stuck with him, would we have even ended up here?

I hated "what ifs" and threw out all the "what if" questions that floated around in my head. I had to focus, I didn't have all night, as I was already half way through it.


Dedicated to @EncaptureYou for being such a great supporter :D 

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