CHAPTER ELEVEN | aislin - part I

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Everything happened too quickly to register anything. The only thing I knew, as the branches scraped against my face, feeling tiny droplets of blood form, before trinkling down my cheek, was that if it had not been for Nolan, I would have never made it this far. I no doubt would have eventually found Destiny. But not with such efficiency as Nolan provided with his knowledge and his innate ability to sense danger.

I clung to the saddle with every possible ounce of muscle I had in my legs. My hand, displaying ghostly white knuckles, grasped the front of the saddle for dear life. My other hand was preoccupied with keeping Belle's reins from flopping and flapping all over the place. I remembered taking riding lessons as a little girl, on a nasty, freckled pony, named Sweetie. If there was one thing I had learned from that experience, it was the significance of staying in the saddle by any means it took. Granted, Belle was not the mean, nasty, rotten pony that Sweetie was, but running through a forest, at night and in unknown terrain, the concept of staying in the saddle still rang true.

The voices behind us reached my ears. I couldn't understand what they were yelling about, but the snapping of larger branches was becoming closer and closer. I didn't dare look behind me, for fear of solidifying my worst nightmares. I knew Belle was intune with my rampant emotions. Her ears were constantly swiveling back and forth, between Nolan and Lady, and then back at me.

I had no idea how far we had traveled into the depths of the forest, earlier that evening, until now. The last thing I wanted to think about was the possibility that maybe we were lost. But that couldn't be possible, because Nolan used the map of the stars to guide him. I felt my eyes wander to glance quickly at the night sky, but found to my dismay, the canopy of the forest was dense and thick, like the brush we were fighting to pass through.

The taste of adventure had long left my lips. Now, the astrigency of the chase was severely and intrusively cutting into my other senses. I was not only physically blind by the black abyss of the night forest, but mentally I was incapacitated to think for myself. I fully was relying on Belle's instinct to follow Nolan and Lady's lead.

The terrifying conclusion of losing all form of control made me sick. It was the gut wrenching collapse of my ribcage against my vitals that threatened to rupture them. The intense pressure was nothing I had ever felt before and I swore if I lived to see the sun rise, I would thank my lucky stars and th heavens above. All I wanted to do was roll around on the ground in utter and pure agony.

I used all the strength I could gather and forced myself to stay in the saddle. The sweet, resounding voice of Nolan brought temporary peace to my aching body. But unfortunately I could not hear what he was saying. With a sliver of starlight that cut through the forest's canopy. I saw Nolan's and Lady's silhouette slightly vear to the right. It was until two seconds later I understand the non-audible warning and the split second visual of them vearing to the right. Belle had obviously read the signs, because she veared right as well too.

I am clueless as to how I managed to stay seated in the saddle. Every part of my body went with the flow of Belle's movements, except my head. I heard a snapping sound, but I guarentee it was not the branch I hit. My neck immediately began to throb with tears brimming at the borders of my eyelids.

Though that may seem like that was the end of my troubles, it wasn't. I was now fighting with leaves and little tiny twigs that had wedged themselves into my closed mouth. Apparently my mouth had not been completely uninhabitable. I was afraid to spit the vegetation from my mouth, with more concern if I did, I would be opening the door for more unwanted visitors.


Haha! MAJOR cliff hanger to keep you guys on your toes.

I wanted to get something posted, and I knew even getting half of a chapter or a third of the chapter up would be better than nothing.

So this chapter is not finished yet. But here is a little surprise. :D

Thank you Nightshad for being such a wonderful supporter and follower :D

Lindsey Stirling | On the Floor Take Three

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