Chapter 3

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Jades P.O.V

I rode down town to see if my friend was at her house.

When I turned up at her place and knocked, she wasn't home so I had to go to my last resort.

I'm was going to my friends house behind the woods that was about 10 killometres away.

While I stopped, I grabbed a drink of water and and apple out of my backpack.

Then I head off to my other friends place.

The apple and water gave me enough energy to get going.

I wasn't very sure about it, for some reason I had a weird gut feeling but I just ignored because I had no choice, unless I slept on the streets which is totally dangerous.

I was riding for about ten minutes and it got really dark.

I was about 5 minutes from the woods.

Now it was getting really cold and I realized I forgot to pack a jacket.


I was now shivering like I was in atartica with no clothes on.


"I'm s-so cold."

I had no choice so I started walking through the woods with my flashlight.

While I was walking I heard a twig snap so I spun around to see what it was but nothing was there so I shrugged it off thinking it was a bunny or something.

Again I heard a footsep so I started running with adrenaline running through my veins.

Suddenly I looked down at the wrong moment and ran into something hard.

I looked up to see a buff guy with a mask on, then I screamed and ran back where I was coming from and tripped over and fell into another guy.

"Where'd you think your going", he said chuckling.

In a swift movement my arm and legs were tied with rope and a weird cloth over my face and I was engulfed into the darkness...

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