Chapter 37

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I’m speechless, you took my breath away

I don’t know what to write, I don’t know what to say

No word could explain my love for you

No line could ever explain my thoughts of you

You’ve left me breathless

Gavin was now in Pennsylvania for about a week. I missed him. I couldn’t wait until he got back. He felt so far away. We texted a lot though, and we talked on the phone a lot. He sent me a picture of him and his baby cousin, which was absolutely adorable.

The night he got there we stayed up talking on the phone until 3 in the morning. I loved his voice. We talked about all sorts of things and he told me he won 2 t-shirts because of a bet he won, that involved dating me. It made me laugh, dork. Then we argued over him buying me gift and he said he would anyways. I had to tell him my favorite color, (which is purple) so he knew what I’d like. Jerk. But around 3 in the morning my phone started to beep because of low battery and we said our goodnights and parted our own ways for the rest of the night.

All that was on my mind was Gavin. I couldn’t wait to talk to him the next day. I fell asleep with a smile on my face and excitement dancing on my tongue. He was mine, all mine.

The next night he wasn’t able to talk on my phone. He was I the car with his family trying to make it to another part of Pennsylvania, and it was dark and stormy out. He described it as the streets were flooded and they could barely see the road. I was worried. I was up in my room lying on my couch worrying and telling him not to stop texting me and to let me know when he was safe.

‘Addie, if anything happens know that I love you’

‘Nothing will happen, don’t scare me like that!’

‘Addie, be my guardian angel, keep me safe’

‘I will sweetheart…’

‘You’re my angel Addie…’

‘And you are my sweetheart.’

I made sure he was safe and I ended up falling asleep texting him after I made my way back to my bed. The next morning when I finally woke up he told me about the purple monster shirt he got me and sent pictures. It was cute I liked it.

The rest of the week passed by slow but before we knew it he was on his way home and the next day he was coming over for a family party for the reunion of my dad’s old band. Ew, old guys. Just kidding, they were pretty cool. They still like to go out and have fun; I think my dad was the only one who actually matured. But then again he has a family of 6 to take care of and be a role model for; so does my uncle, but, he’s still like a 5 year old at times.

Finally, it was time for the arty after what seemed like years! Okay maybe not years…but a long ass time. My cousins came over and we all including Gavin hung out on the trampoline jumping and laughing and having a good time. We ate lunch there and then made our way up to Nathaniel’s room to listen to my dad’s old band play. It was getting crowded so Gavin and I sat on the couch in the room over. Alex and Emily made their way over to sit on the floor on either side of the couch.

We sat and listened for awhile then Gavin started tickling. He fell on top of me on the couch and then looked in my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. It sent shivers down my spine, good shivers I guess you can say, I liked it. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back, with fireworks glimmering in my eye.

“I will always love you Addie.”

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