Chapter 8

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Summer, finally! I was on my way up to Vermont with Julia and her family to send the week camping in her trailer. It was going to be a long carried but it was fun. She's my best friend, how could it not be? We took a shit load of pictures and cracked jokes and listened and sang to music. This was a great start to as great summer. Though I'm sure Julia's older brother Austin didn't like having to listen to us.

We stopped along the way to grab soda and walk the dog so it wasn't so bad. Maybe 4-5 hours just to get to the campground. We pull in and unload the car and go claim our rooms inside the trailer. Then we go down to their family friend's trailer. The Smith's: Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Rachel and Tom. Tom had met a friend from NY there and he was over as well. His name was Ray.

Rachel seemed more too herself, she had dyed her hair black and wore heavy loads of makeup. Tom seemed very outgoing. He was tall and skinny and had dark brown curly hair that went a little past his shoulders. Ray was shorter then Tom, but more muscular. He had dirty blond wispy hair that brushed across his forehead with beautiful green eyes.

Julia and I stopped to say hello and I was introduced to everyone, but Tom kept staring at me. Was my makeup messed up or something? Was it my terrible acne? Did I say something wrong? Who cares? Julia and I biked off and she gave me the ultimate tour of the campground.

Only did I know Tom was only staring at me for one reason. And I fell for the trap.

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