Chapter 9

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The trip to Vermont was great. I had lots of fun. Tom and I ended up becoming really close, and Julia kind of figured out my tiny little crush on him. Little did I know he had one on me to. The Smith's ended up leaving 2 days earlier and those two whole days I couldn't get Tom off my mind. It was weird. And I was sort of sad too. I hadn't known him for that long.

When I got back home I spent most of my nights staying up late talking to Jake on the phone and my days texting him and facebooking Tom. I couldn't decide. But no way in hell would I ever be allowed to date Jake. Soon enough Tom and I were talking everyday and one afternoon he decided to stop by.

He had walked across town to come see me. We were sitting in my yard talking and reminiscing our times in Vermont and how that one day we should all hang out again. My mom got home and she wasn't too happy a guy two years older than me was at our house with no adult. After a long talk when Tom left, he and I made plans to hang out.


One bright and early morning, Julia, Austin and I were dropped off at Tom's house. We then walked to the highway to stop at this breakfast café for some food. We ate and then on our way back we stopped at Tom's friend's house, Kip. We stayed there for awhile playing Left for Dead on his Xbox. Then we went outside and played an ultimate game of wiffle ball, and his sister Roy joined in. Then we went swimming in Tom's pool after. One hell of a day, I'd say.

Now there was plenty more of these days throughout the summer, except there was one slight change. After a little bit, Tom asked me out and of course, I said yes. This summer was great. Now you see Tom, was my first kiss. But he always wanted something more. I was going into 8th grade; I was new with this whole thing. I've dated before, but he's dated a lot more people, and plus he's two years older than me. He's had a lot more experience with this type of stuff. Soon enough pressure was put into the picture and that made me less and less attracted to him.

We were about a month and a half to two months into the relationship when he started asking me for pictures. Not any old pictures, but bra and underwear to nude pictures. I was uncomfortable with this so, I said no. But no wasn't the right answer. Not for Tom. He kept continuing to ask. I didn't know what to do. He even sent me pictures for trades.

It was bad we went maybe for a week and a half with no talking or barely talking at all. Then one day while I was at Julia's, he showed up. He sent Julia upstairs for 10 minutes because he owed me "time for making out". (It was a bet we made awhile back.) And really to be honest, I didn't want to. I told Julia to stay down there as long as possible. But she went up.

Tom took me by the waist and pulled me close and started kissing me. I didn't want to I started backing away, but his grip around my back and waist stayed stiff, making it impossible for me to escape. The Julia burst down the stairs and saw us. He stopped. She ran upstairs with this repulsed look on her face and I followed leaving Tom behind. She was sitting in the kitchen curled up in the corner. I sit down next to her.

"You said you didn't want to, so why did you."

"I tried to pull away, I couldn't say no."

Tom walks into the kitchen then. "I think I should go. Bye, Addie, Julia." And he left.

If only I knew this was the beginning, I would've learned how to say no then. I guess now, I'm just stuck.

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