Chapter 35

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I posted a song link on the side if you want to checkk it out. Enjoy<3 Love you guys <3

I love the feeling

Of my tears

Rushing down my face

It’s like its cleansing

 The sorrow from my body

And soaking it with


It was almost the 4th of July and we were going to throw a party the day before. My mom loves throwing parties, she loves having her friends over and being able to socialize. I was able to invite some friends so I invited Julia, Rissa and Veronica.

“Why don’t you invite your friend Gavin too?” my mom suggested. And so I did. He showed up and the first thing he did was give me a hug. We went over to the swing set and I introduced him to my friends. We hung out for a little then Gavin dragged me to the trampoline. We sat on it at first, him in the middle and me on the edge, but soon enough he made his way next to me. We were close enough that our legs and arms were touching. He turned on his IPod and gave me a headphone. We listened to Eminem and sat there talking. Then, he grabbed my left hand and looked at my wrist.

“Is this the arm you cut on?” He asked. I nodded in response.

“Promise me, you’ll never, ever do it again.”

“Only if you promise you’ll never do it again.”

“Promise.” I looked into his deep blue eyes. I got lost in them. Our faces were almost touching, I could feel his breath. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn’t, he had a girlfriend.

“Promise.” I heard my friends giggling; I turn round to see them on the porch spying on us. They didn’t know that I cut, besides Julia, so hopefully they didn’t hear anything. I got up and walked around to the front and got up on the porch. They cooed and awed until Gavin made is way of the trampoline and with us.  We hung out and talked and played with water balloons until it was time for everyone to leave. Gavin gathered Rissa’s and Veronica’s number and left. As soon as he pulled out of the driveway, I received a text from him. ‘Hey baby’

Once Julia had left I joined Alex and Emily, who were sitting on top of the monkey bars. We chatted and I asked them how they had spent the party. They were hanging out with my mom’s friend’s kids, who the boy was my age, the girl two years younger, so Emily’s age. They seemed to be having fun, so I was glad. Then my butt vibrated from Gavin texting me.

‘You know that song Space Bound by Eminem we listened to on the trampoline? That should be our song. It reminds me of us.’

I couldn’t quite remember the song, so I pulled out my IPod and looked up the lyrics. It made me smile, the chorus did at least.  It was cute. I ended up listening to it all night long, thinking of him the whole time.

My cousins and I watched the fireworks from the top of the monkey bars, and then soon moving down to around the camp fire we had flaming in the pit. After the fireworks, we begged our parents to let us have a sleepover. (As always.) They agreed, so we spent the night in my room chatting to all hours of the morning. That night, for the first time in a long time, I went to bed with a smile on my face. Most nights, I’d cry myself to sleep. It had become a habit, but tonight I went to bed laughing and smiling, with my two most favorite people in the universe, and had a perfect afternoon with my 3 best friends and guy I loved. It was nice.

Hopefully, from here on out, it’ll be uphill.

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