*• CHAPTER 25 •*

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I took off my hat and placed it on my lap, slowly lifting my head up and met Alison's eyes. She was smiling warmly and I knew it was genuine. I stared back to her and smiled back, my smile reflecting her's.

"Oh.. U-Uhmm... Hi A-Alison?" I stuttered while furrowing my eyebrows, my smile turning into a frown. She giggled,

"Hello, Emily! Fancy meeting you here," She said with a smirk. I looked at her in disbelief. How could she just act like nothing happened and talk to me like this? That probably meant that the kiss meant absolutely nothing to her but I wasn't backing off from my plan.

I took her hand, which was on top of the table, and I felt her body tense and her face flushed bright pink, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I asked... Finally without stuttering.

Alison was in a thought before she answered, while playing with our fingers, "No... Why?"

I smiled, "I want to take you somewhere. But what'll be there would be a suprise," I handed her a piece of paper. She took it and examined it, her face fuelled with excitement.

"At a lake?" She asked excitedly,

"Yes, would you like to go there? But I wouldn't be able to pick you up... I'll just ask Madi to pick you up and take you there," The reason why I wasn't going to pick her up was because I wouldn't be able to surprise her that way.

She frowned for a second but she quickly covered it up with a smile, "Okay, I'll see you there then." She stood up and let go of my hand making me frown at the loss of contact, already missing the warmth of her hand.

She looked at me and for a second her eyes flicker down to my lips them back to my eyes, "Bye, Em," Then she walked out of the brew and I watched as she got in her car and sped away.

She's going to love my suprise.


I walked up to the Field's residency and my mouth hang agape when I glanced up. This place was huge! I looked around and admired the freshly cut grass–

My thoughts were interrupted when the front door suddenly opens, making me jump a little at Madison's sudden appearance. I covered up my nervousness with a chuckle,

"Geez, you scared me!" I exclaimed. 

Madison giggled, "Well, hello to you too!" Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me to their garage where I saw 4 Lamborghinis. One was purple, another was blue, then yellow, then black.

"Umm..." I stood there, awkwardly while Madison rummaged in her bag, probably trying to find her keys. She took a grey remote and pressed it. Suprisingly, none of the Lamborghinis made a sound. It was a black Range Rover at the very side, that I didn't notice was there in the first place, that made a sound.

I grinned when my eyes laid upon that car. That was the car that Emily and I used when we worked on our project for the first time. Madison nudged me and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at me,

"What're you waiting for?" She asked playfully, with a smirk, "Let's go."

She grabbed my hand and we both went in the car and sped off.


"Are we there yet," I groaned out, looking out to the window with a frown.

We have been on the road for like three hours and we still haven't arrived and I am road sick!

"No," Madison said with a giggle. I looked over to her and smiled at the sight. She was grinning wide, her hand on the steer wheel while the other was on top of mine. You would probably mistaken us as a couple but no. We're just really good friends and I think of her as a sister. 

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