• twenty three •

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Alison's POV

"Emily? I thought you didn't know her?"

"I don't," Then she frowned. I was beyond confused right now. She acts like a bitch then in a snap she's acting like nothing happened? She fucking slapped me!

"But a girl named Emily would be nice for you,.. Your ship name would be Emison. I wouldn't give your lover the approval for them to marry you unless that lover is named Emily,"

"Will you shut up? I won't marry a girl named Emily because I'm not gay!"

"Mhhmm.. Keep telling yourself that."

"Whatever," I huffed and left, while mumbling a thank you for saving me.


"So, what happened to her (Emily)?" I asked Brittany who was sitting beside me. We were in the cafeteria, sitting on a table with the cheerleaders (not on the jocks anymore). Basically, gossiping. But in a good way, I guess.

"According to this," She said referring to her app that somehow gets gossips in one click of a button, "She was in a car accident when she was 13 that caused her memories to go away... Then when she was in the coffee shop maybe something reminded her of something in her past then she fainted..?"

"That's actually accurate. But the outburst only happened when Skylar arrived,"


"My cousin," I said quickly. Brittany nodded then she pressed her lips together,

"Then maybe Skylar reminded her of someone... Or maybe Skylar was in her past... Who knows..?"

Our gossiping was interrupted when our cheer captain arrived at our table. Willow.

"So, what's the new gossip?" She asked, looking straight at Brittany,

"Nothing, unfortunately," Brittany lied smoothly, giving Willow a convincing fake smile that looked so genuine. Willow just smiled back because she always had a soft spot for Brittany for some reason.

"Okay, Rosewood bitches, we need to go practice,"

A chubby cheerleader at the back raised her hand and Willow nodded to her direction, encouraging her to say what she's about to say, with an annoyed expression on her face,

"I'm still eating," She said, with her mouth full. I looked at Willow and she was grimacing and looked like she was about to say something bitchy to that poor girl,

"Please, don't talk with your mouth full and you can stay here.. We don't need you anyways," She hissed. Then she stood up and took her purse with her, "Come on girls,"

She looked around but no one stood up,

"Stand the fuck up you ungrateful whores!" Then everyone stood up, including me, and we made our way to the fields.

The fields.


Why does everything have to remind me of Emily?

After School,

I ran down the stairs when I heard our homephone ringing.

Jesus, where was Skylar? This is her apartment, shouldn't she be answering this herself?

I put the phone on my ear,


"Alison?" A familiar feminine voice said to the phone,

"Yeah? Who's this?"

"Emily," for some reason my heart rate sped up and my palms were getting sweaty. Maybe it was just because I was worried about her? Or maybe because-

"Alison? Are you still there?"

"Uh-- yeah."

"Will you pick me up, please..." She sounded like she was in a hurry. What was the cause of this?

"Sure.. Um- where are you?" I pretended I didn't know where she was, even though I do.

"School." I thought she was at the hospital

"Why are you at school at 7pm..?"

"Ms Lovato called me,"

"What'd she say?"

"Nothing *clears throat* umm-- I need a ride."

"Okay, I'll be there," then I hung up.


ok so I'll make the next chapter longer

she's my dork ➳ emison au (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang