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Emily's POV

2 weeks later. . .

I was in my room, in the monkey onesie that Alison gave me, with a popcorn bowl on my lap. The TV was on but I didn't know what movie was playing. I wasn't even watching the movie because a blonde girl was the main character of the movie and blonde people remind me of Alison.


I wonder how she's feeling now? I haven't seen her in two weeks.. I was absent for two weeks to think about how I'm supposed to tell Alison my true feelings for her. I asked Garrah for help and she said that she'll call everyone to have a party in her apartment (including Alison) and she said that I'll just drag her into my room which will have petals of roses all over the floor and candles and then I'll confess my feelings for her.

That seems like something people who are married would do to seduce their partner but I am not seducing Alison. Nope, too early. I have a feeling this will not go great though. . . But let's ignore that feeling, shall we?

At the party

I was about to gulp down my drink but then someone's hand gripped on my wrist, stopping the cup halfway from touching my lips. I looked up to see Garrah and I groaned,

"Let go.." I slurred my words,

Garrah leaned into my ear and scolded, "You cannot get drunk! You need to be sober for you to be able to confess!"

"I am sober!" I protested, attempting to drink my alcohol but then she gripped on my wrist even harder than before making me yelp.

"Sorry but, honey, you need to be serious about this." I sighed in defeat and placed my cup on the counter as I watched Garrah walk away.

Yes, the party just started but I see no sign of Alison.

"Emily!" I heard her voice.

I turned around to see her coming up to me with her arm linked with a guy's arm.

The guy was tall and he was like a random guy you'd see in the subway. Wow, she had found a new bestfriend thoughout the two miserable weeks. She had a big smile on her face as she glanced up to the guy with a grin, she was rubbing his arm which was oddly disturbing to me.

"Uh, hey, Ali and.." I glanced over to guy who was slightly taller than me,

"Emily, this is Chad, my boyfriend and Chad this is Emily, my friend."

Damn it. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing quitely unaware that Chad was there too. I looked up, tears streaming down my eyes and pleaded,

"I need to-- talk to her privately, please.." Chad's eyebrows raised then he looked at Alison who signaled him to leave. He nodded then kissed her forehead making me even more miserable if that was even possible.

When Chad left, Alison dragged me into my room which already had the petals of roses and candles all over the place. She looked back to me, shock evident on her face,

"Emily, what's all this?" She asked then she cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears away with her thumb, "and why are you crying? Pretty girls shouldn't cr--"

"Stop," I said, my voice cracking.


"I said stop." I said more sternly now. I knelt down with one knee and held her hand,


"Stop,I just need to tell you something..."

Alison finally pressed her lips together and she looked down to me. Even in my drunken state, I could still see how beautiful her eyes were and that scared me.

"I... Love... The way your eyes would sparkle every time I compliment you..." Every sentence of mine was always cut off with my sobs, "I love the way you chew your gum in class, even though I know you're bored, you're still cute. I love the way your eyes would always light up when you're with me... But now I know you do that with everyone,"

"I thought I was special to you and maybe, just maybe, I thought that I may have a chance. I thought you could've figured out that you didn't like that guy you said was sweet and you liked me. I could've treated you like a princess because I love you."


"I... L-L--" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I was sobbing. I let go of her hand and buried my face into my hands, feeling slightly embarrassed of showing vulnerability in front of her, but I couldn't help it.

Alison knelt down in front of me and forced me to look at her by cupping my cheeks and she looked at me in the eyes, something in her eyes were different... There was like.. A sparkle? A different kind... Like adoration? She gave me a small smile,

"You know I love you," She whispered, making my heart skip a beat, "But not like... You know.."

That caused my heart to sink. Of course I know! She doesn't love me back, she doesn't like me back. Why did she get my hopes up though? I was not stupid. I saw the way she looked at me, it wasn't like how you're supposed to look at your friends and sometimes I even catch her bluntly checking me out.

And when she sees that I caught her, she would simply smirk to my direction.

Maybe I was just delusional?


But was I wrong to fall in love with her?

Should I move on?

I probably should.

But it would be hard, wouldn't it?

But I guess I'll try....

But I need to stop talking to Alison,

To make me not remember about the pain she caused me

and to make me forget why I fell in love with her...




merry christmas y'all.

merry christmas.

merry x-mas.

but i have a joke!

me: hey are you christmas?


me: because everyone wants to merry you ;)

y/n: oh


i have another joke,

knock knock

whos there


etch who?

etch me


i know they're stupid but at least i tried

she's my dork ➳ emison au (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now