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"They're so fucking stupid." I said to Noel, who was in the passenger's seat beside me. We laid Alison down at the back seat.

"I know,Emily, I know." I heard Noel mumble. He told me that Mona forced him to help them supposedly kill me but when Noel declined, they tied him to the wall using thin ass ropes. How they gon' kill me with their stupidity? Well that's simple, they can't. But, of course, Noel being his strong self, he untied himself and tried to save Ali but then Paige ran after them and started hitting Noel with a pillow, hoping that it'd make Noel drop Ali.

I was so pissed with Mona. If I didn't love her, as a friend, then I could've just killed her. Although, if she killed my baby then nobody in that warehouse could've went out alive. I'd kill everyone, I wouldn't care if I went to jail. My parents were lawyers, they could just take me out and anyways, I recorded Mona and I's conversation and that would be my evidence.

I looked back at Alison at the back seat to see her sleeping peacefully, her lips slightly parted. I looked back to the road and sped back to my apartment. (Well not my apartment, Garrah and I's apartment, but I would rather call it mine)

Narrator's POV


Emily set Alison down on the couch and kneeled next to her, running her fingers through her hair. She smiled upon seeing Alison's peaceful state.

"You're so beautiful.." She murmured.

"The most beautiful.." She continued,

"The most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Getting romantic there, huh?" Emily jumped up when she heard Garrah. She clutched her fist on her chest and dramatically gasped and looked at Garrah in fake horror.

"You scared me, Gar!" Emily whisper-yelled, she didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty on the couch.

"Yeah bu--" Emily placed her hand over Garrah's mouth. Garrah was rudely talking out loud. Emily pulled Garrah out of the room and glared at her when she closed the door behind her.

"You almost woke her up." Emily stated calmly.

"Don't you want to talk to her?" Garrah asked. She didn't really know about the events that happened today.

"Today's not the time. She needs some rest."

"Oh.. Mind telling me exactly why she's here? It's not that I don't want her to be here it's just that--"

"I get it. I'll tell you."

Emily told Garrah every detail of what happened. Garrah was pissed, especially when Emily mentioned Mona. She didn't know Mona would actually do something like that and deep down she was sad that Emily didn't kill that bitch.

"I never trusted that whore."

"Which one?"

"The brunette one."

"There were two."

"Mona fucking Vanderwaal."


"And Paige is an ass too," Emily was about to say something but Garrah beat her to it, "But Ben is like a retarded asshole. Why would he date someone like Mona? She's a pathetic physcopathic bitch. She needs to go to Radley."

"Oh. Well, thank you, Garrah, for talking shit about the people I used to trust." Emily smiled innocently at Garrah.

Garrah flipped her pink curls from her shoulder and said, "Well, those bitches deserve being talked shit about. I mean who fucking dates their bestfriend's ex-boyfriend and then kidnap their bestfriend's new girlfriend?" She paused, clicking her tongue, "Tha' some messed up shit right there." Garrah rambled.

Emily nodded in agreement. She understood Garrah. Paige, Mona and Ben do deserve to be talked shit about. They should even rott in jail, they were just lucky that Emily ain't about the send people to jail and live happily ever after life. She was more about the ignore people who annoy me and then rant about how ugly they are life.

"I know." Emily said before her thoughts drifted into something else. She was thinking about the memories she had with Mona and she frowned upon knowing that they were all a game. Their friendship was fake... To Mona. Emily have always thought they were inseparable and they were the dynamic duo but no.

It will always and forever will be Aria. Aria has never forsaken Emily, neither is she planning to but Emily might've forsaken Aria. Emily left Aria but she understood the situation. Aria was a smart girl, she knew that Emily was leaving to study not to do something unnecessary. They talk sometimes on the phone. But only sometimes.

Before all of this happened, deep down, Emily has always felt odd being around Mona and Mona didn't actually have Emily's full trust. She always doubted Mona but Mona tends to persuade Emily and brainwash her, as always. If Aria was here? This would've never happened. Emily wouldn't have hung out with Mona because she was loney. Emily wouldn't have hung out with her other friends because she missed Aria. She could've been with Aria and then she didn't need to be Mona's friend.

But she was glad that this all happened.

Because now she knew that,

She was deeply in love with Alison and she would do anything for her, she'd risk her life for her.

But if Aria was here?

Emily wouldn't have met Alison.





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