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I simply told Hanna I got the wrong girl and left... I know.. What a dick move, but I didn't want to raise up her expectations. Besides, I got my eyes on someone else (a special blonde, to be specific).


I went inside Mr. Fitz's class (last period) and I sat on the same seat I sat on the last time I saw my mystery girl and patiently waited for her to come inside the room and sit beside me. I froze when I saw her. She was walking inside our classroom with her head down. When she saw me, she gave me a small smile that was big enough to make a thousand butterflies erupt in my stomach. She simply walked past my desk and sat on her usual seat, which is the seat next to mine.

Suddenly, Mr. Fitz came up to me and started talking shit about something I didn't do and his punishment was to pair me up with someone in a project. He told me her name was Alison,

"Who the fuck is Alison?!" I practically screamed at Mr. Fitz as he sighed. He pointed to the blonde beside me and I immediately apologized.


What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I felt so embarrassed for screaming because I was paired up with someone I didn't know which later I found out that she was actually this girl I like/have feelings for. Damn it.

When Mr. Fitz walked away I quickly turned back to Alison who had just took out a book and started reading. She had her hair in a messy bun which made a couple of loose strands of blonde hair fall to the side of her face. She looked so hot when she was concentrating. Her glasses were almost falling off the bridge of her nose making her look like a hot nerd (but i dont think of her as a nerd)

I slowly tapped her shoulder which she responded quickly to. She jerked her head at my direction and quirked an eyebrow at me questioningly, damn she looked so fucking hot. My eyes flickered down to her lips which had been pursed. It looked so kissable. She cleared her throat and I quickly looked up to see her flushed face. I felt my cheeks heat up upon knowing I was the one that caused pink stuff appear on her cheeks, "I-uh-Sorry, Alison.." I finally said after centuries. Her name sounded so natural when it slipped out of my mouth.

"I-It's okay.. It's my fault, I never introduced myself to you.. o-or maybe you already knew my name and you were upset that you have to put up with me for the whole year, I know... I get that alot." She said quietly, making me feel a pang of guilt on my chest,

"It's not that.. I just- You know what? I'm sorry.. It was so immature of me. It's just that I had a bad day yesterday," I explained, hoping that I convinced her since it was the truth.

She nodded and smiled genuinely making my stomach flutter at the sight, "It's okay." She said, smiling and then she turned her attention back to Mr. Fitz who is currently teaching a lesson.

I looked at Alison one last time before a tiny smile appeared on my lips. She's so cute.


Before I could head for the door, Mr. Fitz called out my name. I mentally groaned and walked back to him, "So, Emily, about your project with Alison," He smiled as he saw my eyes light up, "Here are what you need to do," He handed me a long-ass sheet of paper-but that only means that I would have more time with Alison, "Wouldn't it be a good idea if both of you do it tonight?"


I jerked my head towards the person beside me. Alison was here the whole time? I looked at her and smiled. Nice to know she was actually looking forward to this project. Mr. Fitz talked about how in the end of the year we had to present it to the whole class... So that meant... I was going to spend 39 fridays with Alison! Working for the project, of course. Before Alison left, she gave me a toothy smile that never failed to melt my heart.

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