Yes, so I’ll change in front of her, I trust her. Don’t I?


He nodded. I grabbed my purse quick and put my phone in my pocket then put my purse back in its hiding spot.

We were for a bit when we were in an alley and I didn’t think anyone would be coming here anytime soon. This must be the place where Thresh will show me his transformation.

“Are you ready?” he asked me.

I nodded smiling at him. Then he started taking off his clothes.

“Um am I allowed to see you naked or am I supposed to wait till we ‘DO’ it?” I asked having my hands cover my eyes.

He laughed.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to or not just make sure you like me enough to stay here and be calm.” he was in front of me at the last part uncovering my eyes and looking at me with pleading eyes.

I smiled at him and smashed my lips on his and kissed him sweetly. He was surprised but he put his arms around me holding me while we kissed. I pulled away slightly.

“I promise.” I whispered showing a small smile.

He smiled at me full of happiness. He let go of me and stepped away a few feet. He was completely naked. I covered my eyes when I got to his…naughty part he uses to go to the bathroom. He laughed at me but it quickly stopped with grunts of pain and silent screams I could only hear other then him. I uncovered my eyes. I ran to him and sat right in front of him watching the change from human to wolf. I wanted to touch him and magically make him feel better, make it easier to turn.

He glanced up at me. His dark blue eyes that were filled with happiness a little bit ago are now yellow and filled with pain and lust. I backed up a bit, taken aback by the sight but I stepped closer again. Making sure to stay calm and stay by his side.

Thresh’s hands all of a sudden moved and gripped his long hair hard almost seeming like he was going to pull it out. He moved his head down again and was moaning from the pain. I saw fur growing all over his body, it was a dark black . His back changed from straight to a wolf’s back, I heard the cracks. This made him cry out in pain louder then any of his screams already. But he quickly stopped when his back was done changing. I saw his feet change also growing more and more like paws and then they WERE paws and his hands were the same as his feet. His face was up again and his lips were spread away from his teeth. They looked extremely sharp, they were gleaming white and scary looking but I still didn’t back away. The thing that made my eyes want to cry was when his head changed to a black wolf head and his eyes showed pain and hatred and lust.

The change finally stopped he moaned for a bit but recovered and there he stood strong and beautiful. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him. He growled viciously. I sat down on my butt and lowered my head then his, to let him know he was the more dominant one. I felt his wet wolf nose touch my throat lightly and then he licked my cheek. I laughed. I hugged him around his neck, glad that he recognized me. His huge body build was enormous. He was about a little over my waist height. That was how tall he was from the tip of his ears to the ground. I pulled out a collar and leash. I got the collar to go as big as it could and it barely fit on Thresh’s wolf neck. He groaned.

“Sorry, but I don’t think people will think it’s normal to have a wolf-like dog that’s as big as a Irish wolf hound without a collar on.” I said apologetically.

I got the end part of the leash and then hooked it to his collar. We started jogging to the woods. People gave me and ’my dog’ a weird look when they went by in cars or when they walked past us. I just smiled at them and waved and continued jogging. Some stupid college guys in a car slowed down to keep up with us. I tried to ignore them it didn’t work too well.

“Hey sexy, what’s a hot girl like you doing?” The one in the passenger side said.

“Jogging, what does it look like I’m doing?” I snapped at them.

“Well you’re a sassy one aren’t ya? That’s a pretty big dog. Where’d ya get him?” the third guy in the back seat closest to me asked.

“Where do you think I got him? The hardware store?” I said to them Thresh not too happy with them growled lightly.

“Ha-ha nice one girl, you wanna come with us and go to a wild party with us.” The one driving said.

“No,” I stopped jogging and Thresh stopped also and sat at my heels so did the idiot boys. I put my fist on my hip. I started to pet Thresh‘s head, “And if I were you I’d leave myself alone, I have a boyfriend already and he has a pretty bad temper when it comes to idiots like you guys.” I smiled ‘nicely’.

Thresh growled at them loudly showing his vicious teeth.

The boys got out of the car and surrounded me and Thresh. Thresh growled louder.

“Oh shut up you stupid mutt. Now little girl I wouldn’t be saying no to a guy like me cause I also have a bad temper. And if you say you have a boyfriend, then where is he? Shouldn’t he be hanging out with his pretty little girl.” he said and holding my chin.

I swiped his hand off of me, completely mad that he even dared to touch me. I let go of Thresh’s leash. I held the poor boy’s wrist and smiled “Sorry but I don’t like being touched by strangers. And I am NOT little.” I quickly moved to behind his back with his arm and kicked him behind the knees and he went down like a box of bricks. Then I used my other hand and head locked him with his arm. I leaned my head down to his ear.

“Don’t mess with me, and tell your friends to leave before I break your weak little neck right here right now.” I whispered to him.

I let him go throwing him to his friends.

“Lets get the hell out of here.” he immediately said. I smiled innocently and waved them good-bye. I grabbed Thresh’s leash again. I laughed at Thresh with his pleased look on his face. I kissed the top of his head.

“Good boy for staying.” I gushed pretending to baby him, it was really funny.

He then looked humiliated. I laughed and then we continued our jog. We finally made it to the woods without anymore trouble. I kneeled down to Thresh’s eye level.

“Would it be too much to ask if you could change back to a human please? I’d like to see my guy as a human right now so we can talk instead of me just saying things to you.” I said and smiled at him.

He whined but he looked up at me and bobbed his head. Then I saw those beautiful dark eyes come back. His soft fur changed to skin, his paws became feet and hands, his dog ears became human ears, his tail disappeared, his hair grew back on his head, his muzzle became human also. He finished after a period of time, (which was so long but you try disconnecting your bones into a wolf and back while trying also to change your skin to fur and back). He stood up straight, looked at me and then threw his arms around me and hugged me, I still had his clothes in a bag. I hugged him back.

I could get used to being with a werewolf, especially a sexy one.

Wolfen RavenWhere stories live. Discover now