Chapter Fifty-One: Just Friends

Start from the beginning

"I don't want stuff to go back to the way they were after we broke up. I don't want to stop talking to you. I don't want it to be awkward between us again. I don't want to have to avoid you every time I see you" Maya said.

"Okay," Lucas said. "I agree.

"Good. So can we agree to be friends?" Maya asked. "And can it go back to the way it was before we even knew we liked each other?"

"Sure. We can be friends," Lucas smiled. "But that last part might be a little hard."

"Yeah," She replied. Now all the pressure of them being a couple, them having to avoid each other, everything was done and off of them. They could be friends and just enjoy it. Hopefully. "You know I'd never cheat on you, right?"

"No, I don't know that," he replied. "You already did."

"No, I didn't."

"How can you say that? I saw you."

"You didn't let me explain what happened."

"Okay, explain."

"Andrew started hitting on me. He started to touch me and the he kissed me before I even had the chance to realize what was going on," she explained. "I promise I would never cheat on you. Ever. I'm not that kind of person and I never will be."

"You're seriously telling the truth?" He asked her.

"I seriously am," she was staring into his eyes and she had a completely serious face.

"I'm sorry I didn't let you explain yourself," he apologized. "It's just- you know my past. You know what I've been through. When I saw that I just thought the worst and I was so positive about it. But I should've let you explain and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," she replied. They hugged and went back to the living room.

One Hour Later:

Amy walked into the house and saw Maya and Lucas on the living room floor laughing about something. She was extremely confused.

"Hey..." She said when she entered the living room.

"Oh, hey Amy!" Maya smiled.

"Amy?" Lucas asked maya.

"Yeah. She told me to call her Amy," Maya replied.

"Alright," Lucas laughed.

"What's going on here?" Amy asked.

"We're just finishing our science project," Maya replied.

"It's due tomorrow," Lucas added.

"Okay, but I figured to see awkwardness and to hear pretty much silence," Amy said. "Not to see you guys on the floor laughing."

"Yeah, well," Lucas said. "We agreed to just be friends."

"Great," Amy smiled. "I'm happy for you guys."

"There's some pizza in the kitchen," Lucas said.

"I didn't eat dinner so that's good," Amy said before she went Into the kitchen.

Maya and Lucas continued to work on the project for another hour until it was finally finished.

"Okay. Well, see you tomorrow," Maya said before she left.

"I'll walk you home," Lucas offered.

"No, it's okay. I got it," Maya smiled.

"Are you sure? It's night. In New York City," Lucas replied.

"I've done it my whole life," Maya said. "I'm fine."

"Alright, if you say so."

Maya left and Lucas went up to his room, satisfied with the day he just had.


Hey guys! What's up? Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry I didn't update sooner I've just been kinda busy.

So Friday I went on a retreat with my other youth group. That's the youth group that has my crush. He was playing like basically footsies with me the first night. I was resting my feet on the bed he was laying on and he kept putting his feet on mine purposely. So yeah that got me more excited because he's always doing things like that and it makes me think he likes me. I've had a crush on him for like six months. (I've only known him for like seven months or something like that but I've liked him for six. He's just always nice to me and he's really cute and we get along really well and I just really like him.) and I'm really thinking he likes me back but thing is I don't know everyone in the youth group that well since I've never really been able to get that close to them. But I got the closest to my crush. But thing is this past weekend me and my sister were rooming with this girl that goes there and my sister asked her if she used to like any of the guys that go there. She said she used to like this one guy and then she said she also liked my crush at one point like two years ago. But apparently he's like the biggest f-boy so she didn't like him anymore. So now I'm really sad because I thought he liked me but now I'm not sure if he's just playing with my emotions or not. I hope he really does like me but then again maybe I don't want to be in a relationship with someone like that ?? Idk someone just help me. Ik this is really Long but I'm really conflicted and idk what to do. I'm thinking I should probably just get over him but it's really hard because I've liked him for so long and I think I was actually in love. You know how people say if a crush lasts past 3 or 4 months your in love? Yeah I'm in love and I don't think I can get over him but I think I need to ugh this is making me sad. Someone just give me advice. Any is appreciated thanks.

Oh and guys there's only 8 chapters left 😶😬😁

Anyway, I'd like at least 2-5 comments and 2-5 votes thanks

BYEEE unicorns!!! 🦄


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