Harry's eyes land on me and my mother turns around with a smile.

"Look who stopped by... Again." She winks at me and I cringe.

I see Harry roll his eyes when she's not looking and bite my lip to stop my laughter.

"Hello Ellen." He stares me up and down indiscreetly. Why does he do that, it makes me feel so awkward.

"Harry." I give him a little nod and sit beside my mother, who hasn't gotten the hint to leave yet. I kick her gently under the table and she immediately excuses herself.

"Sorry for, eh.. Stopping by yesterday evening." He says, suppressing a smirk. Is he serious?

"Evening? It was four in the morning!" I scoff.

"Were you asleep?" He asks and I furrow my brows.


"Well then, what's the problem?" He grins at me. I roll my eyes and run my hand through my wet hair.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. A frown takes over his face and I notice he squeezes his knuckles tightly. And then, I notice the cuts on his ring and pink my finger.

I examine them. "Oh for god sake Harry." I sigh, looking up at him for an explanation. "You had blood on your shirt last night, you were in a fight weren't you?" I scold him as I check the rest of his knuckles for cuts.

He lets out a heavy, long breath and wraps his long fingers around mine, making my breathing hitch. I try to tell him not to but I can't, my voice doesn't seem to work.

"I knew I was right." He says, looking straight into my eyes. If I was holding this level of eye contact with anyone else, I'd find it awkward and look away, but I can't tear my eyes off of him.

"What?" I ask, my voice lower than usual. He lets go of my hand and walks around to my side of the table, his tall frame towering over me.

"I said, you only pay attention to me when I'm either drunk or busted up." His face holds a stern look, yet his eyes are gentle. "So for the sake of argument, let's just say I'm both now."

He drops his head and kisses me, using his tongue to part my lips. I try not to let him in, I use everything I have.

"Stop fighting me Ellen." He breathes, cupping my face in his huge hands and successfully kissing me. Oh so successfully.

He's slow. His tongue moving slowly and steadily to an unknown rhythm. I pull away, regardless of his slow movements, I'm breathless.

"I need answers" I frown.

"I'll give you them." He smiles. "I'm taking you somewhere. Ok." It's not a question or request, it's a demand.

"My mother.."

"Can wait. We won't be long." He says softly and I nod. This can't be a good idea but if I get the answers I've been searching for...

I stand up and knock on my bedroom door, my mother opens it immediately. "I'm going out for a little while, is that ok?" I ask.

"Course it is! Be careful."

We've been driving for a little while now, mostly in silence but it's a comfortable quiet with the radio is playing softly in the background.

"Where are we going?" I finally ask.

"To my other house." He smiles, turning a sharp left corner down a seemingly barren road.

"You have another flat?!" I exclaim, suddenly feeling very excited to see it. Is it as nice as the other one? Bigger? Smaller?

"House, Ellen." He stresses. "It's a house." He turns another left down a bumpy and narrow road.

The Artistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें