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Hey everyone,

This note should be easy to understand, speaking from someone who always wanted to have a simple life and nothing more than that.

My mother was right when she said that writers live a lonely life, especially the successful ones; they lock themselves in their office, turn on the small lamp next to their laptop/papers and start writing. They never really think of how they cast themselves away from the public life, they don't feel the need to talk to someone else.

All of those things aren't important when you can make other people happy, knowing that they enjoy your words is like heaven. Heaven can become hell quickly, and that is when you realize that you're lonely and that you lost everything because of writing. Who else can you blame except for yourself?

I've started to feel better these last weeks, more appreciated in real life as well as a writer. I feel that I've affected and entertained more people than ever before, finally I felt like a normal people that goes to school and works for something all day long. Imust be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone but poorly enough I'm not that kind of person. I'm too sensitive.

Sometimes I feel guilty, because my updates ruin all these people their time. You all have more important things to do, more things to say than read my story. After all these words just come from my mind. Although the feeling of being thankful for all of you is bigger than the guilt.

I'm grateful; I realized that a few days ago. I was a spoiled kid, mother didn't care, father only needed me for other things and his needs. Siblings bitched me around the entire time. But even after having a shit life as a kid, it could have been worse and then I wouldn't be who I was right now. Those who passed away wouldn't give me as much courage if they were still alive. So I guess that I should be thankful, for everything.

I wish I could just leave this place, but I always realize that I would be selfish to go and hang myself in my bedroom or take those pills. In the meanwhile I've started to live with the scars, they are just beautiful scars on critical veins but I don't mind.

Maybe my friends or family in real life wouldn't mind if I would be hanging down or dead at all but I've met my little family on here and I'd be so goddamn stupid to leave that all behind for something like death. I love you all too much to say it's over. It's hard to get through the day but I guess it's fine to let if flow wherever it goes....

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