Promise he makes

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A/N: I feel like crying, not that my birthday isn't nice but I was writing a new book and it had like 29 chapters and god knows how many words but now it's deleted from my computer and I feel so fucking lost now. On the other side I've been thinking of making a new book for on Wattpad, maybe about the same fandom but I'm really interested in AHS too.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

"I promise to show you off, whether it means bringing you around my friends & co-workers, or posting our pictures on Instagram."

It may sound like a weird promise but Tony loved to flirt and people loved to flirt back with him so if he made it clear that you were there, those people would back off. You were sitting in a restaurant when he said that to you, you just giggled because you thought that it was just a joke. But he took it seriously. He took you everywhere he could; from the lab to award shows and clubs, even people that you never met before and his instagram was filled with pictures of you and things that you did for him. It was a good promise

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

"I promise to treat our relationship like it's our relationship, that it's private, that it's between you and I. I won't let the world spoil it or dictate it. I'll understand that it's you and I together."

Clint knew very well that outsiders could ruin everything, most of the times it was press that had to make up rumors about you or Clint. Like that one time when you were out with Natasha and a newspaper said that you discovered Clint cheating on you with Natasha so you made some revenge plans with her. But now that Clint got a little smarter, he knew that all they tried to do was break you apart and he wasn't going to let that happen. There was no other relationship that mattered more, your love story was his favorite.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

"I promise I will fight for you and when I say I'm committed, you won't have to worry about whether or not I mean it. I will make it important to earn and keep your trust."

Steve wanted to fight for you like he fought for the good things in the war, everyone said he couldn't live without war or fights but instead of having a war he started fighting for you. And for your relationship with him. He really wanted you in his life forever, the feelings with you were stronger than the feelings he had when he was with Peggy, he wanted to grow (even) older with you. Maybe get married and have a kid in the future, he tried to earn his life with you by treating you like every woman should be treated.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

"I shall call when I say I am going to call. I will ask you to let me know that you have arrived home safe. I shall reply to your texts cause I would want you to reply to mine. My phone game is strong."

You don't know how he came at the last part of his promise, but he probably overheard Tony saying it and wanted to use it as well to sound mordern like everyone else. He pretended as if he knew how to use a phone when he couldn't unlock one or his fingers were too large to press the button, after hours and hours of Tony and Clint trying to explain how to call and text, he finally got the hang of it. Well now he called you almost every hour of the day, even when you were right next to him.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

"I promise if you're sick, I will go to that Italian restaurant you like and pick up some soup for you and I won't even be annoyed when you tell me you feel awful a hundred times a day. I know you feel awful, I've been sick, too."

His promise didn't only count for the moments where you were really sick but he used his promise as well when you were on the time of the month. He would bring you soop and cuddle you all day long, being the sweetest guy just because he wanted you to feel a bit better. Bruce knew how it felt to be sick, well maybe he didn't have his period but he always tried his best to make you smile and cuddle you until you were asleep in his arms.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

"I promise to continue doing the things I did to win your heart, "

With the most couples you could see that their relationship changed through the months or years that they were together, the beginning is always different than the moment where you start to come down from the intense dream of being loved by someone. Bucky and you had been together for a long time now and you weren't losing interest but the daily things got a bit boring sometimes, since it wasn't the first time you went out anymore. You went from every week dates to, dates when you were having a special occasion. But from that moment on he changed, every week you would do something nice and once in a year he would take you on a holiday. He won your heart with words and actions all over again.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

"I promise that every time we fight, I'll order us make-up pizza."

It was no secret that you and Pietro could be stubborn and that led to arguments almost daily, you got annoyed with him wanting to sleep in and eat while he got annoyed when you starting complaining about that. Sometimes the fight was solved in a few minutes, other times the fight would become bigger until the subject of a break up was overhead. You never broke up with each other, you loved him too much for that but now every time that you had a fight he would call to order pizza and put your favorite movies on. Snuggling into the bed and talking or giggling, or what other couples would do. *smirk*

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