Wanda Maximoff (Catch up)

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A/N: okay so i guess Natasha's catch up was a good one, so with Wanda I'm going to make the same preferences for her as well. Thank you for reading and hopefully you like this one, after this I'm going back to normal preferences..

Sorry for my lack of writing, I have to do my thesis project



How you meet

It really wasn't your day when you met Wanda, after thinking that getting fired from your job was the worst, you fell from the stairs and broke your nose while doing that. You got yourself to the hospital next to a girl with beautiful brown hair, she was reading a fashion magazine and sometimes texting a guy names "Pietro". But the doctor called her in way too soon although she refused to go in, she stated that you should be able to go in first since she was only there for a yearly check up. You thanked Wanda and she even got in the office with you, she brightened your day.

Your name in her phone


Her name in your phone

Magical Maximoff

First kiss

It was a calm Saturday and for once the Avengers had nothing to do, they didn't have to go on a mission so that meant that you could spend your time at the tower with your girlfriend Wanda, you were sitting on the couch with Clint and there was Harry Potter playing on the television. Suddenly you saw Pietro playfully pushing Wanda towards you which ended in you getting up quickly and letting Wanda bump right into you. Her lips firmly pressed against yours as soon as your bodies touched, you went to pull away but Wanda just wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you even closer to her body.


Somehow you lost your memory while someone gave you a drink at the club, Wanda thought you were just drunk and that you didn't remember her because of that but even when you woke up in the middle of the afternoon , you asked for her name and even if you could have her number. Wanda's heart broke, knowing that you didn't remember her was really hard for her and especially when you were her first girlfriend. She went to Bruce for assistance and he gave you some pills so that you would become the old you soon again, that evening when you went to bed , you started remembering everything. Wanda was next to you on a chair, sleeping silently so you tiptoed to the chair and crawled into her lap, falling asleep and waking up like that.

Meeting the other Avengers

Wanda was proud to tell the others and from the moment that you had agreed to be her girlfriend, she took your hand and walked with you to the tower so that you could meet the rest of the team. She entered the tower screaming your name and the word "girlfriend" loudly and the first one to come and take a look were Clint and Pietro , those two were happy since they were afraid that a boy would break her heart and you wouldn't break hers. Everyone was supportive of you and Wanda, and everyone liked you and loved you as if you were a part of the team, even if you didn't have any abilities.

Your song

Your Song - Ellie Goulding

You never thought that you could give Wanda much, you were just a simple human unlike her. You didn't have anything special, you didn't have any abilities or the powers to fight the enemy. Wanda didn't mind though, she loved you because of that, in her eyes you were just you and that was perfect for her. Life was wonderful when you were together in the world.

Her favorite place to kiss you


It was actually you who liked to play with her fingertips whenever you were bored or when you couldn't sleep yet. So one night when you were in bed and neither of you could sleep, she put your hand above the sheets and brought the tip of your ring finger to her lips, pressing a small kiss to it before doing it with all of your other fingers and you grew to love the small actions. Now you do that to each other when you can't sleep or when you're bored.

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