What your parents think

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A/N: Good day everyone! Sorry for everything and not updating and stuff but work isn't easy when you work from 6am - 2pm and from 3pm until 10pm.  Well hopefully you enjoy this although it sucks


Tony Stark (Iron Man)

They hate him so much to be honest! You've always been the good girl at home, always following the rules and listening to whatever the others said. But since you began dating the famous Tony Stark you've been sneaking out and they caught you making out in the living room with him so your parents think that he has a bad influence on you and they hate that very much. They can see how much you love each other though.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

They absolutely adore him, what is there not to love about Clint. He is so respectful towards your parents and never goes against their rules no matter how stupid they can be sometimes, he doesn't want you to lose contact with them because of him so that's why he tries to behave and talk with your parents about everything. He compliments them on things so that they adore him even more.

 Steve Rogers (Captain America)

 Your mother likes him a lot and that just because he is quiet, polite but very sweet with you, unlike your mom, your dad thinks he is a bit of a douche because he is Captain America and because he is old in some ways and of course because he is always so politely. Your father tried to convince you not to date him, but it was no use since the both of you have been happy for a long time by now.  

Thor Odinson (Thor)

Both of your parents pretty much love him because he is so clueless and respectful, not to forget that your mother loves his voice, but your dad doesn't necessarily love the the part where Thor tells everyone he is the son of Odin. But they trust you guys alone together, even your dad trusts him, because he seems to innocent, which is good for you if you know what I mean.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

They don't really know him that well, because he is so shy around them. They know who the other guy is and they know who Bruce is but for the rest Bruce likes to keep quiet around them so that he can't say anything wrong. But they do watch him closely because they see you getting out of his car early in the morning, way past your curfew. 

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

They think Pietro is very immature for his age, but that he also is a sweet kid. Your dad is kind of weary of all of his shirtless moments and he doesn't like the fact that he can run that fast, but everyone sees that both your parents know that he loves you and you love him, so they both are supportive of the relationship.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

Your mother thinks that he is this cute little angel just because he is always so polite around them, she sees how he treats you as if you are made of glass. Always holding your hand and telling you if there's something that might have slipped away from your sight. Your dad thinks that he is a real man, he is perfect for you and that's why they like you as a couple very very much.

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