"I love you"

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A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading and voting and commenting and stuff. I'm really bored right now so I'm going to write and write and write, lol. 

Sorry for some other things as well, it's getting too hard to hold on



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

He was working too hard again, he was busy with something new and it probably had been 8 days since you had seen him come out of the laboratorium.

You wanted to see him, not only to make sure that he was doing fine but to have the company of your boyfriend again, you missed his sassy remarks and how he always laid on the bed with you until you fell asleep and kissed your cheek or forehead.

"Jarvis could you please let me in, I'm worried about Tony and his health"

Jarvis didn't even reply before the normally locked doors opened, Tony was sitting on a chair near a desk with his back turned to you.  His body was hanging down and that's what gave away that he was overworking again.

You walked closer to his figure and softly places your hands on his shoulders, rubbing the fabric covered skin and gently massaging his shoulders and upper back until you heard him let out a sigh mixed between tiredness and pleasure.

"Come on Tony let's get you to bed, when you wake up we will have breakfast and then both of us can be here in the lab and I'll take good care of you."

You pulled him of the chair and dragged him towards the large bedroom with in the middle of it your kingsize bed, he fell back on the pillow while you pulled off his shoes and even his jeans before you pulled the covers up to his shoulders.

"Night Y/N, I love you"

You barely heard those 3 words slipping from your lips, you barely felt his lips pressed to your cheek but his words made your heart swell with love and pride.

Hapilly you got under the covers next to him and he snuggled closer to your body, pulling you body into his muscular arms. The lights turned off and you both sighed in content.

"I love you too Tony"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

"I can't believe I failed"

"Stop bringing yourself down like that my little dove, you know it wasn't your fault"

"It was!"

And with those yelling words that left your lips, the tears started to fall one by one onto the fabric of Clint's t-shirt but he couldn't care less.

Clint got shot in the side and it was your fault because you were too late to warn Clint that the guys were on their way to where Clint was so he wasn't really prepared. When he wasn't watching, they shot him and before you could find him first Natasha had found him and dragged him back.

It was all your fault.

"Shh don't cry, I'll be fine. I can still talk and I can still do this"

He kissed your lips gently but when he didn't feel you kiss back like normally he pulled away from your lips and looked straight into you eyes, wich made you look away almost instantly.

"You know what else I can do?"

No reply.


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