He leaves for a mission

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A/N: YAAAYY FINALLY SUMMER HOLIDAYS STARTED, I'm so happy today and yaaay idk why. Lol sorry, this one sucks though.

Ugh only Pietro's is decent.

Enjoy anyways.

PS: There is a possibility that I'm going to do mutiple parts but I don't know if you guys want that!!!!!!

PS 2: I'm posting a request form in a few days so you can request if you want


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

It was the last goodbye for a maximum of 2 long weeks without each other, he had to leave for a mission while you had to stay safely into the Stark Tower.

Tony had made it clear that you couldn't leave, God knows what would happen if you would go outside so there were loads of food and drinks and everything you needed so that you didn't need to go outside.

Currently the both of you were standing in his lab to say goodbye to each other, the rest was watching the both of you from the other room as you were stood in a strong embrace from Tony. He kissed the side of your head and wrapped one of his arms around your neck to play with your hair.

"I'll be back soon, don't worry"

He whispered in your ear as he tried to let go but your arms were frozen around his body, he relaxed under your touches again and began to pepper kisses all over your face to see you smile and make you loossen your arms.

Once he made you smile, he pulled back and looked into your e/c eyes, he smiled as well and the look in his eyes told you that he would come back soon.

So you let him leave, with pain in your heart but a smile on your lips as he would've wanted it.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

He wasn't home often, well you weren't either since the both of you mostly stayed in the Stark Tower but today Clint brought you to the house where you were supposed to live so that he knew nobody except for him and the others would find you.

Home was also the place where he would be picked up byt the rest of the team to leave for the mission, he would leave before 6 in the morning so when he said that he would wake you up he kept in his mind that he wanted to let you sleep. You could be grumpy if someone woke you up in the middle of the night/morning.

So when he woke up at 5:30, he saw you cuddled up into his chest, eyes closed and a slight smile playing on your lips as small sounds escaped your mouth from time to time. He grinned and kissed your forehead gently before getting out of bed and making himself ready.

His mind was wandering between waking you up and letting you sleep, you were so cute when you slept buy he wanted to see your eyes before he left. So after a few minutes he decided to let you sleep and leave a note.

But when he was about to leave the bedroom your eyes opened and you were awake, silently whispering to him:

"Good luck, I love you"

He turned around and smiled widely before running over to you and hugging you as tight as he could, he looked into your eyes and kept your voice in mind.

"Thanks beautiful, I love you too and have nice dreams"

He said softly before he left.

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