Being his girlfriend involves

10.9K 239 134

A/N: This is like the second version of Dating him involves but with another title and other things, blabla. Anyways, my story is currently at 99.1K and I'm so happy because maybe by Christmas I'll have 100K. And of course I want to do something for all of you because of that but idk what so send in ideas and I'll get to them.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Sexting

- Most shipped couple of the year

- Being his date to award shows

- Seeing the Tony that others can't see

- Being the first one who he tells that he loves

- Lipstick stains on his neck in public

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Waking you up by singing softly

- "Clinton Francis Barton, did you do this?!" while you point at the hickey on your neck

- You trying to shave him

- Kissing at the stop signs

- Sending each other stupid videos 

- Sharing everything (even an email adress)

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Going dancing like old times

- Teaching him how modern things work

- One single rose next for you on his pillow when you wake up

- Owning a dog

- Your couple quote on the wall in your bedroom

- Posing for him so that he can draw you

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Having your own signature like him

- Meeting Loki

- Braiding his hair

- Words of love all day long

- Going to the store all day because he loves it so much

- Him asking to own a horse

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- His favorite red dress on you even when you're doing nothing

- Finding sweet notes between the laundry

- Putting his glasses on

- Listening to music together

- Just love 

- Understanding without words

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Calling him James

- Comforting him after nightmares

- Loving his metal arm as much as the rest

- Stroking each other's cheek

- Promising to stay forever

- Visiting homeless kids with him because he loves kids

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Being his princess

- Play fighting

- Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles

- Playing with his phone

- Being each other's wallpaper

- Loads of pictures of you both on the wall

The Avengers preferences &  ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora