Meeting your parents

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A/N: Hello, thank you so so so much for 6.5K, you guys are so amazing and thank you so much for the votes and the comments and even reading this or being here for me.


I love you guys so so much!!!!


Tony Stark (Iron Man): 

The night you told him Tony was meeting your parents soon, he didn't expect it to be only 3 hours after you told him the news. 

He didn't know what to do, he had never met one of his girlfriend's parents, because he never stayed with the girl but now the reason was somewhere from thre previous ones: he was scared to meet them, what if they didn't like him because of his job or his reputation? He was Tony Stark of course but you people liked him or hated him, there was no in between.

So there you stood at the front door, you waited until Tony tookthe first step and ran the bell but he was frozen, even your hand that he was holding was stuck in his strong grip. Luckily for Tony your mother opened the door and looked at the two of you.

"You must be Anthony!"

Tony nodded slightly after that he came back to reality, he stuck his hand out and wated to shake hers but your mum wasn't having any of it and surpised your boyfriend of 4 months by pulling him into her warm embrace.

When they pulled back, she led the both of you inside where your dad was sitting at the table but motioning for Tony to come with him to the garden leaving you and your mum alone in the kitchen. You helped her with making dinner and setting the table until Tony came back into the living room.

The 4 of you had a nice meal, emberrasing stories about your time as a child were told and laughter was shared at the table until you and Tony stood where you had been standing a few hours ago. You said goodbye to your parents and got into Tony's Audi.

You were curious what your dad told Tony, so you asked him about the conversation Tony had with your father.

"He told me that I have to take care of you and love you which I will surely do, don't worry babe, I don't think he'll kill me"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

It had been quite a while since you had seen your mum and dad in real life, since you were spending most of your time with Clint you only spoke to them over the phone or through Skype.

You were home alone and expecting your parents any moment whilist Clint was on a mission in another country, maybe it was good since your parents didn't know you were in a realationship with one of the Avengers.

The bell ran and you went to open it quickly, seeing your parent standing in front of your door and trailing behind them was Clint who was carrying a heavy suitcase full of clothes and stuff he needed on the mission he clearly came back from.

"Mum, dad. Come in, I'll be there soon"

You silently cursed yourself in your mind before you ran over to Clint who picked you up with ease and kissed you as you were spinning in a slow circle. The kiss stopped and he smiled against your lips before pulling back

"Are those your parents?"

You nodded and looked at the window, hoping that you parents weren't watching what just happened, what would they say when they discover you his a relationship for the past months, that work wasn't the reason you went away from them.

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