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"You gave me panic attacks and I called it love"
"I'm sorry for smelling like cigarettes when you wanted to smell roses and having bloodshot eyes when you wanted a meadow and having scars on my thighs where you wanted to touch I just don't know how to take care of my body other than to destroy it"
"And now I have a playlist of songs I can't listen to because every lyric makes me think of you"
"I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful and I don't ever wanna lose my best friend"
"I promised myself that I wouldn't let you complete me"
"Maybe this time two wrongs will make a right"
"You were the song stuck in my head"
"Sunshine there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night"
"The dreams about you make me wanna stay asleep forever"
"I don't love me and that's why I understand why you don't either"
"I think I saw you in my sleep darling, I think I saw you in my dreams, you were stitching up the seams on every broken promise that your body couldn't keep"
"You've got a mouth like a razor blade, it cuts so deep so kiss my wrists, my neck and give me eternal sleep"
"Don't know where it goes but it's home to me and I walk alone"
"You really made me feel like you really liked me and then you just left like I was nothing"
"I hope you like the stars I stole for you"
"You just have to sit through the storm because I promise you the morning after is beautiful"
"When you're alone, do you think of me?"
"She never looked nice. She looked like art and art wasn't supposed to look nice. It was supposed to make you feel something"
"Find yourself in nature"
"What's the point in living if the one you love can barely tolerate you?"

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