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Okay, so what now?
We spoke for 8 months,
We were so fucking close,
You ignored me for 5,
Like I was so kind of ghost.
I tried to text you,
I tried to talk to you,
And nothing.
But then, one magical text
And you respond?
What is going on?
We texted for 2 fucking days,
As if those 5 months never happened,
You said we will be friends again,
And that we will talk at school,
But what do I believe?
If we are friends again,
I won't know how to react.
I'm afraid of attachment,
After what happened
With you last time.
What if I fall again?
What if you make me
Believe I am special again?
Please don't break my heart again,
I don't know how I'll handle it,
Becausw I still love you far too much.

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