Quotes 2

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- I will never understand how someone will have the power to be able to make you feel like the happiest person alive and the saddest at the same time.

- A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love, a hug is just a hug until you find the one you're thinking of, a dream is just a dream until it comes true, love was just a word until the day i met you.

- I promised myself I would never fall in love with you, but it was 4am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I felt happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed.

- And then all of a sudden she changed. She came back a completely different person, with a new mindset, a new outlook, a new soul. The girl that once cared way too much about everyone and everything no longer cared at all. He broke her.

- I could spend 15 minutes choosing an outfit, or read a menu twice and still not know what to order. You know I'm never sure on anything. But I was so fucking sure with you.

- ...but when you smiled I suddenly couldn't risk loosing you.

- It's like once you've been hurt, you're scared to get attached again. Like you have this fear that every person you start to like is going to break your heart again and again.

- The desire to cry, or an overwhelming feeling of sadness for no apparent reason is linked to emotional stress caused by missing someone.

- Your lips tasted like liquor and I was a drunk. I took sips that turned into swigs, and soon enough, I was intoxicated. The one difference between me and every other drunk, was that I knew what I wanted: you.

- I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you for you forever, I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven.

- Without music, life would be an error.

- Every thought is a battle, every breath is a war, and I don't think I'm winning anymore.

- Who could really love a girl with more cuts than friends? More razors than confidence? More pain than beauty? No one.

- Mirror, mirror, on my wall, I just want to be thin, pretty and tall.
Mirror, mirrir, if I change my hair, maybe someone will start to care?
Mirror, mirror, if I starve myself, at elast I'll be beautiful, forget my health.
Mirror, mirror, if I cut my wrists, will I feel like I exist?
Mirror, mirror don't you see? What you show, is killing me.

Hey guys. So, a few of these quotes a really depressing, and if you can relate to them, i know how you feel. If any of you very few readers need anyone to talk to and not feel like you're being judged, I'm here and you can inbox me anytime, and I 'll answer as soon as possible. I have no life, so it will most likely be sooner rather than later, and I promise you can tell me anything and I will try to help you, even if just need someone to listen♥

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