10 2 0

We're back before square one,

We're only friendly strangers,

But I prefer it this way.

I'm still not sure why this happened,

Maybe she told you not to talk to me,

Or maybe you decided for yourself,

That I'm not good enough for you,

But you're wrong.

I loved you more than she ever could,

But that doesn't bother me anymore.

When I see you in the halls,

I don't shake,

I don't even get nervous.

If you happen to look at me,

I just smile and say "hi",

And act as if the past 10 months

Never even happened.

It doesn't bother me anymore,

In fact, I'm glad it happened.

This will be my last poem about you,

Because from now on,

You're gone from my thoughts.

I loved you with every ounce of my being,

And apparently that wasn't enough,

So I'm done now,

And I'm going to find someone better,

Someone that won't make me cry

Every fucking night.

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