Chapter 6

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*Elyse's POV*

After a while of walking around Huntington we decided to go back home. Kiersten went upstairs to take a nap, tripping on the last step might I add. She was always so clumsy, it was kinda funny. I turned on the TV and sat on the couch.

"So bored..." I muttered to myself. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket so I pulled it out.

"Hey babe, come to the beach?" Read the text from Keaton. A huge smile spread across my face. Keaton and I secretly had a thing going on. We didn't tell anybody yet because we didn't want them all in our business.

"Be there in five" I texted back. I quietly went upstairs and grabbed my all black vans and slipped them on. I tiptoed downstairs and out the door. I smiled as I felt the wind in my hair. On my walk the only thing I could think of was Keaton. Yeah, he was awkward sometimes, but I loved that. He was just so cute... ahh.

"Hi," I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Keaton in front of my with an adorable smile on his face.

"Hey," I replied blushing a bit.

"You haven't told Kiersten yet, right?" he asked me.

"She has no idea," I smiled back at him.

"Same with the boys," Keaton said with a little laugh. "You look really pretty," he said awkwardly. I laughed and lightly kissed him. I felt him smile against my lips. Ugh he was too cute. I pulled hinm closer and kissed him again, this time with more passion. After a while we pulled about and smiled at each other.

"I've been waiting to do that all day," he laughed.

"Me too, but I didn't want to risk Kiersten, Wes, or Drew seeing it," I said back.

"Where is Kiersten by the way?" He asked me.

"Sleeping, she'll probably be up in half an hour. So we don't have much time," I sighed.

"Well, it's enough time," he smiled.

I bit my lip and blushed a bit.

"You're cute when you blush," Keaton stated. This made me blush even more.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"You're cute all the time, actually," he whispered in my ear.

"Well aren't you just a charm," I laughed ruffiling his hair.

"Always have been," he laughed back as he put his hand on my waist and pushed his lips up against mine. I moved my lips in sync with his and put my arms around his neck. Sparks ran through my vains and shivers flew down my spine. Wow. After a little I slowly pulled away and looked in his eyes.

"I have to go," I whispered.

"Aww, do you have to?' He pouted.

"Sorry Keats, Kiersten is going to be up and looking for me any minute," I sighed.

"Okay," he frowned back at me.

"Bye," I whisper as I give him a small peck and start walking back home.

About ten minutes after I got home Kiersten woke up. I had to hide my smile so she wouldnt ask why I was so happy. The rest of the night was pretty normal. We watched tv, ate, then went to bed. We had to wake up a little early cause the boys' show was at 12 and we didn't want to be late.

I woke up to Kiersten jumping on my bed yelling at me to wake up. Sometimes I just want to smack her. Ugh. I yawned then got out of bed.

"Concerts in 30 minutes!" Kiersten yelled running to her room to get charged. I took a very fast shower than put on some black shorts, and black bandeau, and a see through white shirt. Before I went down stairs I grabbed my black converse and slipped those on too. I couldn't wait to see the boys sing... especially Keaton. Kiersten came down stairs in denim shorts and an aztec print shirt with her black obey snapback and all black vans.

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