Chapter 3

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The next morning went by slowly. We got up and ate breakfast and that's about all. Finally around one Elyse got a call from Keaton. They told us that Drew's party had been changed to today instead of yesterday because of the surfing plans. So I quickly slipped on some denim shorts and one of my tank tank tops then put on my California SnapBack. "Ready to go?" I ask Elyse while walking downstairs. "Yup! Lets go." We walked down to his house and rang the door bell. Wesley answered and let us in. "This is Kiersten and Elyse, be kind everyone, they are a couple years younger than us," he said while ruffling my hair. "Not the hair, bro." I say jokingly. Elyse and I decide to go talk to some people at the party. We meet quite a lot of people, they all seemed pretty nice, although a lot of them were drunk. After a while we take a break and sit on one of the couches. Keaton walks over and sits next to us. "Hey girlsss." He says with his adorable smile. "Hey Keats" I reply with a grin. "How are you guys enjoying the party?" He asks us while siping on a soda. "It's very... Interesting." Elyse says with a laugh. "Here I want you to meet somebody!" Keaton says jumping up and grabbing each of our hands and pulling us towards another room. "Well okay then!" We laugh. He finally stops in front of too girls and one guy. "This," he says pointing to the blonde girl, "Is my girlfriend, Sammy." I really wasn't expecting him to say that. The girl looked really trashy, with super short shorts and only a crop top and hopefully a bra underneath. Of course right away I look to Elyse, who seemed a little upset. "Um. Hi." I say looking at the fake looking girl. "Hi, who are you?" She asks with a fake smile. "I'm Kiersten, and that's Elyse. We're Keaton's friends." I answer her. "Oh." She answers with a snotty look on her face. I wanted to yell at her right away but knew I shouldn't. She was trashy and Keaton was way to good for her. And I could tell Elyse had a thing for Keaton, even if she didn't say so. So I just gave her a fake smile and said "Nice meeting you, Sammy." And walked away with Elyse. "Cough cough, slut." Elyse says quietly as we walk away. We both start laughing. Once we find Wesley we ask him about Sammy. I can tell he doesn't like her very much. "She's a whore." He said straight out. "I try to tell Keaton but he thinks he's in love. But he isn't." Wesley explains to us. After talking about that for a while we change the subject. "So aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asks us. "Nah, we graduated early and decided to move here instead of go to college already." I tell him. "What about you?" Elyse asks. "I want to focus on music and school is too much of a distraction." He answers. We nod our heads. After chatting with Wesley we decide to go try to find Keaton again. He's with Sammy and one of her friends. We try to walk by unnoticed because we really don't want to talk to Sammy but Keaton already saw us. "Kiersten, Elyse!" He smiles and waves to us. I give him a fake smile back and so does Elyse as we walk over to him. I can already tell Sammy is really drunk because she looks like she is about to spew. "Um, maybe you should find a bathroom." I suggest. "Here I'll take you," Keaton says and walks her to the bathroom. He leaves her in the bathroom and comes to us. "What do you think about Sammy? Isn't she awesome!" He smiles. "Uh yeah. She seems pretty cool." I lie. He smiles thinking I was being serious. I excuse myself because I have to go to the bathroom, not remembering Sammy is in there. I knock on the bathroom door an nobody answers so I open the door. It was occupied... By Sammy and some guy I didn't know. Disgusted I close the door, "Bitch" I whisper quietly. No way was I going to tell Keaton. He would be heart broken.

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