Chapter 4

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I find another bathroom to use then make my way back to Keaton and Elyse. I see a few other people have joined their conversation so I introduce myself. They all say hi and seen pretty cool. All I could think about though is how Keaton deserved someone way better than Sammy. After a while I went to find Wesley to tell him we we're leaving soon. When I told him he laughed and said, "Hell no, you're spending the night!" I looked at him confused. "That's how me and Drew have parties okay, no questions," he laughed. Drew had a pool outside so we all went out and wet swimming. Well, except me and Elyse because we didn't think to bring out swim suits. All of a sudden somebody grabbed me from behind and I didn't know what to do. "It's a tradition," I heard a familiar voice. It was Wes. "What is, what are you doing?" I say while trying to squirm out of his grasp. Before I could process anything I was thrown into the pool and so was Elyse. "Shit!" I yelled as I came back up from the water. The boys were cracking up. "Sorry guys! It's just something we do!" Drew laughed. "Ugh! Screw you!" Elyse yelled and flipped them off. Wesley and Keaton helped us out of the pool. "Thanks guys, now my clothes are soaked, yay." I say sarcastically. "You can borrow some of ours." Wesley laughs. Drew walks us inside and grabs two of his shirts and two pairs of sweats out of his bag. "They might be a bit big but they should do." He says while handing us the clothes. "One of you can change in here and the other can change in the bathroom." Drew tells us while walking out. I stay in the guest room and Elyse went into the bathroom down the hall. I slip off my shirt and drop it on the ground. Out of nowhere Wesley walks in and we are both shocked. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry I thought Drew was in here." He says while turning around. "It's cool." I say with a small laugh. I slip on the shirt Drew gave me and tell Wesley it's okay to look now. "I'm so sorry," he says again. We both laugh and he leaves. I take off my pants and put on the sweats then walk down stairs with Elyse. "Well that was fun." I say sarcastically. "I was so ticked when Drew threw me in" she laughed. "I could have punched both of them, but I decided to save my revenge. We will find a way to get them back." I say with a smirk. "Hell yes," Elyse smirks back. We walked back down stairs and go find Wesley. "Hey, sorry again for throwing you in the pool, but it was sorta funny," Wes says trying to hold in a laugh. "Yeah, whatever," I reply while smacking him in the back of his head. "We'll get our revenge," Elyse glares at him. Wes laughs and rolls his eyes then walks away. After that two boys walk up to us. "Hey, I'm Jake," one of them tells me. "And I'm Liam," the other one tells Elyse. They were both pretty attractive so we introduced our selfs and said hi back. After a while of talking with them we figure they are pretty cool guys. "Well hey we have to go, maybe we can meet up sometime." Jake winks as he hands me his number. I smile back and wave goodbye. After they walk out the door Elyse and I turn to each other and grin. "They were hot!" Elyse laughs. "Yeah, I got Jake's number!" I say while holding up the slip of paper. "I got Liam's!" Elyse smiles. Out of nowhere Keaton walks up and asks, "Who were those guys you were talking to?" "Jake and Liam," Elyse beams. "Oh, have you seen Sammy?" He says not looking very happy. Shit. What am I supposed to say? "Uh, no I haven't seen her," I say with a small fake smile. "Oh. Okay, mind if I hang out with you guys then?" He says. "It's fine with us." Elyse smiles. "Are you staying the night too?" I ask Keaton. "Yeah, I think. Are you guys?" He replies. "Yup, Wes is making us." Elyse laughs. "Ahh, well I don't think everybody is staying. Just me, Wes, you two, Sammy, and maybe somebody else." He tells us. I cringe at Sammy's name. I hear a group of people walk in so I turn around. Standing there are four girls that look even faker than Sammy. But the boys seem to love them. They get me and Elyse disgusted looks. These girls aren't wearing something like I would. They are wearing super short shorts ad barley any top. I would never wear shit like that. While they walk by I hear one if them call me and Elyse losers. I hear another say, "who are those freaks." I'm not one to hold my anger in. And neither is Elyse. "Excuse me?!" We both say at the same time. "Aww, they think they're so cool," one says. "Bitch, shut up. Just because you stuff your bra and wear as much makeup as a clown doesn't mean to rule this place." I say glaring at them I see that everybody is listening by now. "Look, freak. You can't talk to me like that. I'll get the owner of this house to kick you out," she says with a grin. Elyse and I laugh. "The owner is her brother!" Elyse laughs at her while pointing to her. The sluts eyes get big then her and her group walk away. We roll out eyes then turn back to Keaton. "Damn," he says looking scared. "We cant stand people like that," Elyse says rolling her eyes. Wesley walks over looking at us like we're crazy. "That was dope," he says with a little laugh. "Those girls are way overrated. We didn't even invited them to come," Wes tells us. "We can go kick em' out if you'd like," I grin. "Nah, we don't need them getting beat up," he says with a laugh.

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