Chapter 5

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I check my phone to see what time it is. "Dang it's already almost midnight" I say as I look outside to see how dark it is. "You sure you want us to spend the night?" I ask. "Yeah, of course" Wesley smiles. I notice that a lot of people have already left and the only ones left are Keaton, Wesley, Drew, Elyse, Sammy, three girls I don't know, and me. Keaton goes over to Sammy and the three girls to talk to them. Wesley rolls his eyes at them. "I doubt they are gonna last very long," he tells us. I decide to tell them what I saw in the bathroom. "That slut, I'm not even surprised she did that," Wes says after I tell the story. "I agree, Keaton deserves somebody way better than her," Elyse says. I nod in agreement. "Do you have a girlfriends," Elyse asks Wes. "Nah, I used to but we broke up last month. Her name is Carly. She's a sweet girl, I really liked her. But we decided it was to hard to date because I'm 4 years older than her," he says with a small frown. "Aw, I'm so sorry," I tell him. I can tell he still has some small feelings for her. "Thanks, we're till really good friends though," he says with a small smile. "Well that's good! I'd love to meet her sometime," I smile. "I feel like annoying that Sammy girl," Elyse says with a smirk. "Me too, lets do it," I reply with a laugh. We walk over to them. "Hey Keaton," we say at the same time and smile. "Hiii," he says smiling at us. "Do you wanna hang out with us for a little? The girls are probably gonna leave in a few minutes though." He says. Sammy glares at me. "We'd love to," I tell him. "So Sammy, who was that guy in the bathroom?" I ask with a small smile. Keaton looks confused when I say this. "I don't know what you're talking about," she says glaring at me. "Oh, I think you do," Elyse says. Sammy gives us a small fake smile. "Nope, I don't. Looks like I better be going, bye Keaton." She says as she gives him a rough kiss. Elyse and I roll our eyes. "Bye Kiersten and Elyse," she sneers as she leaves with her friends. "What were you talking about?" Keaton asks us after they leave. "Nothing," Elyse answers. "Oh, okay then." He says. "Let's go get some drinks. We might as well get drunk since its only us and Wes and Drew here." Elyse says. "Let's!" I say with a smile. We all go grab three drinks. I jug mine downs and do the same for two more. Elyse was sitting on the couch and so she tries to stand up. "Woah, I feel like I'm on the moon," she giggles. I can tell that Wesley is very drunk as he walks over. And so am I . "Kie-Kiersten, hi!" He says. And the rest of the night is a blur. I start to wake up and feel something hard under me. I open my eyes and I'm laying on a table. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself as I try to get off. I look around and Wesley is on the floor under beside the table passed out. I walk outside and see Keaton, Elyse, and Drew are already awake cleaning up the mess by the pool. "What happened last night?" I ask them. They all look at each other and try not to laugh. "What?" I ask confused. "Um, you and Wesley um.." Elyse try's to say. My eyes get huge. "WHAT?!" I yell. "We're just playin! Nothing happened!" She laughs. "God you scared me," I say. I help them clean up all the trash in and outside of the pool. After awhile Wesley wakes up. "Ahh I have a headache," he whines rubbing his forehead. "All of us do!" I laugh. "We should go get something to eat," Keaton says. "Me and Elyse will have to go get ready and change first," I say. "Alright, we can just meet up at the Waffle House down the street," Wes says. "Cool, meet you there in ten minutes," we say as we start to run home. "What really happened last night?" I ask Elyse. "Let's just say Sammy came back and you completely went off on her," Elyse says. "And you sorta told Keaton about what you saw in the bathroom," she says as we walk through the front door. "Wait what?" I say. "Yeah... He was upset but more mad than sad. He dumped her." Elly tells me. "Oh... I'm sorta happy but I feel bad," I say. "Don't sweat it, it was good for him to know the truth," she says. I still felt bad. We changed, brushed our teeth, then ran to the Waffle House. The boys were there waiting for us when we got there. "Hey!" They all say. "Wassup" I smile. We all walk in and get a table. Elyse sat next to Keaton and Drew, and I sat next to Wesley. "What are you getting?" I ask Wes. "Probably just some waffles, nothin special," he answers. "Oh, alright I'll get the same," I smile. We all order and wait for our food. "You guys should totally come hear us play sometime," Keaton smiles. "What, you're band?" I ask. "Yeah, we are playing tomorrow at the beach, you should come," Drew tells us. "Yeah, sounds cool," Elyse replies. "Who else is going?" Elyse asks. "Just some of our close friends, Jaiden, Carly, Kelsi, and then Kenny and Kyle will be preforming with us," Wesley explains. "Okay, cool." I smile. I really wanted to meet Carly. "Let's play the question game," I suggest since our food still wasn't ready. "What's that?" Keaton asks. "One person asks another a question and they have to answer truthfully, and it just keeps going on." I explain to them. "Alright, you go first," Wes tells me. "Okay, hmm. Elyse, who was your first kiss?" I ask. "Umm, a kid named Nick, it was in seventh grade," Elly says. "Okay, your turn," I laugh. "Wesleyyy, are you a virgin?" She asks. "Maybe, maybe not," he smirks. "Just answer the damn question," Elyse says. "Okayy, no I am not," he says. "Alright, your turn," Elly tells him. Right before Wes has a chance to talk our food comes. Since we are all starving we eat in silence. "That was good," Keaton says after we all finish. We all walk out of the Waffle House and back onto the beach. "We should hang out sometime soon," Wes says. "Yeah we should, we will see you tomorrow at you're concert." I say. "Okay, sounds good, bye," Keaton says as the boys start walking towards Drew's house. "Well what do you want to do today?" I ask Elyse. "Let's go shopping!" She smiles. We walk home and get our money. "I love California," Elyse says as we are walking toward our car. "Me too, it's so nice here," I reply. I unlock the car then we both scramble in. I turn on the radio and we sing along to the music as we drive to the Huntington Beach Mall. "Where do you want to go first?" I ask Elyse while parking the car. "Urban Outfitters!"she smiles. Thats our favorite store, so we figure out where it is located in the mall and walk there. "This mall is huge!" I laugh. "I know right, this is crazy," Elyse replies. I pick out a few things to try on then go to the dressing room. They first thing I try on is a white tight crop top with black crosses on it. Then I try on a few other things and put back what I don't want. I end up getting the crop top, a black beanie, and a black skater skirt. Elyse purchased a pink high-low dress. When we were in Hollister we must have been lucky because some of the models were there, and they were super cute. "Hey," one winked as it walked up to Elyse. "Hi," she blushed back. They had a short conversation and he gave her his number then we walked away. "Dang, he's hot!" Elyse smiled. "He is!" I laughed back. We went to a few more stores and then I came across a huge store full of snap backs and other hats! "Can we pleaseeee go in there?!" I asked. "Ugh, fine," Elyse said rolling her eyes. I grabbed a red Obey SnapBack, a YUMS one, and another that said California on it. After I payed for the three hats we went back to the car and decided to get something to eat. "What do you want?" I asked Elyse while starting the car. "Taco Bell sounds good," she answered. Taco Bell was one of our favorite fast food places. "Okay, that's fine with me," I said while driving our of the parking lot. "Do you miss home? Like your family and everything?" Elyse asked after a couple minutes of silence. "Yeah... A lot. But I do love Cali. I just miss my family and dogs, I also sorta miss my house." I tell her. "Same... We should go back this weekend. Just to say hi to everyone." Elly replies. "Yeah, that would be fun." I smile. So I guess we had it settled. In five days we were going back to Indy. Once we got to Taco Bell we got put of the car and walked inside. "We will take the 12 pack please, Elyse told the person working there. We got that all the time. It had twelve tacos, four of each kind. We each ate six because we were starved then drove back home. "Let's go tanning," Elyse suggested once we got home. "Alright, I'll go get changed," I said. We walked upstairs and grabbed our bikinis and slipped them on. "Lets go to the beachh," Elyse laughed as we ran outside. My favorite part of California was the feeling of sand under my feet, well that was my second favorite part I guess. The water was my favorite part. "Well dang, the beach is packed today," I laughed as we made our way through the cluster of people. We layed down our beach towels and sat down. "A lot of the people around us are drunk," Elyse laughed. I laughed back, "Yeah they are." "Oh my god! Did you hear Emblem3 is going to be preforming a small free show hear at the beach tomorrow?!" I heard a girl behind us say to one of our friends. I turned my head to look at the girl, "Did you just say Emblem3?" I ask here. "Yeah.." She says giving me a snotty look. "Who are you?" She asks with a weird look. I smile bitterly, "Kiersten Chadwick... aka Drew's sister and one of Wesley and Keaton's bestfriends." Her eyes got big. "W-what?" She asks looking dumb. "Yup," I reply. "And I'm her bestfriend," Elyse smile at her impolitely. "Ohh..." She says looking confused, "You should totally hang with us," she says with a big smile. "Nah, we're good," I say bitterly as I lay back down on my towel and put on my sun glasses. I hear her walk away and whisper to people saying, "Thats Drew's sister." or, "Look, shes knows Wes and Keaton," Me and Elyse try to ignore everybody and soon regret saying I know the boys. Back in Indiana the boys weren't famous at all, but I guess everybody here knows who they are. Probably because they do free shows around here. Elyse and I put in our head phones and tanned until we got bored. "Ready to do something else?" I said as I tapped Elyse on the shoulder. She took our her head phones and nodded her head. I took out my phone and sent a quick message to Wes saying. "I told a girl at the beach I knew you, Keaton, and Drew. They all started whispering about me like I was famous... lol. I didn't know you guys were this popular around here." We packed up all our beach things then started walking along the beach. "Lets just explore Huntington, we havent got to do that yet," Elyse says. I nod in agreement.

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