Pinecest :/

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Why? Why would you ship that? They are BROTHER and SISTER !!! like ok i'm pretty open minded, but this would just ruin their relationship.

There are 2 main reasons why i don't support incest:

1- If two have an amazing sibling relationship, a romantic one means potentially ruining it if that romance goes south. You know how you can never be friends with your ex ? Well, you'll never be friends with your sibling ever again after that. Thus the relationship is ruined. Of course there is a chance that the relationship will work, but are you really willing to risk that?

2- A romantic relationship almost always leads to a sexual one, if this couple is heterosexual, intercourse might/often leads to pregnancy. Don't tell me they can use protection, because we all know that condoms don't work 100% . Children that are a result of incest have higher risks of having chronic diseases and in a lot of cases they can be born with some sort of mental retardation or handicap. And yea maybe she can get an abortion, but sometimes, the woman only finds out about the pregnancy after it's too late to get an abortion. This isn't some bs i read online, my friend's mom only found out about her pregnancy at the fifth month, that's like halfway through, and i'm pretty sure that having an abortion at such an advanced stage of a pregnancy is EXTREMELY dangerous for the woman. So again, are you really willing to risk it?

Then we have the fact that Dipper and Mable are just not interested in each other, Mable expresses interest in a number of different boys and Dipper can't get over Wendy.

However, they are fictional characters so the consequences of real incest probably don't apply to them, still they're 12 so thinking of them in a sexual way ... Idk .
You're free to ship what you want, this is just my opinion.

Whatever you ship, have a nice day :)

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