The Bill Cypher Wheel

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Ok so in all the wattpad books about this subject , everyone starts with the Bill Cypher's wheel , it's basically this image that shows up at the end of the theme song .

So it's kinda boring since everyone does it at first and i think everyone knows what the symbols mean but for those of you who don't know let's just go through it quickly .

Pine Tree ---> Dipper
Pentagram ---> Gideon
6 fingered Hand ---> the author of the journals
Shooting star ---> Mabel
Heart with Stiches ---> Robbie V
Question Mark ---> Soos
Claw ---> Gruncle Stan

Now you may have noticed that i didn't include some of the symbols on the ring .
Let's see what they are :

The Llama - there is a lot of controversy about this one . Some say it's also Mabel , cause she has a sweater with a llama on it but ... Well :
1- each character is supposed to have one and only one symbol , having more than one would be stupid and unnecessary .

2- the llama on her shirt is facing the other direction and has a different face . The one on the wheel has an eye , the one on the sweater doesn't .

Others say that since , when looking in the mirror , both llamas face the same direction , then that can mean two things :

A- that Mabel has a doppleganger that's her complete opposite , called Lebam . More "proof" about Lebam is featured in one of Mermando's messages to her . All the bottles say say Mabel , except for one that says Lebam . And it's out of the water , unread and set aside as if Mabel did that on purpose for her twin . But that could be an animation error so ...
In another episode when Mabel goes out with Gideon , we see a picture of them in the newspaper and her sweater doesn't have a picture on it . When we see them on their date in the french restaurant , she has a cat on her sweater so ... Yea ... If dopplegangers are complete opposites then it would make sense Lebam wouldn't have anything on her sweater . But again , it's not full proof .

B- it's Pacifica Northwest . She's Mabel's enemy and has a completely opposite personality . So it would make sense that the llama is her .

But again , the two llamas are not the same so the llama symbol is yet to be validated .

Ok now

The glasses - so some people say that they're also Stan but uh- no ! The claw thing is Stan .
So who are the glasses ?

Some people say it's old man Mcguket . Because when he was younger he wore glasses and he worked with The author of the book .

Some people say it's Sherif Blubs cause be wears glasses , but his are sunglasses so no ...

The most interesting theory is about Stan's secret twin , Stanly .
See you can see the same glasses in the room with the magic carpet , said to be Stanly's room , and when they go back to the past , they see them on Stan from the past which is maybe not not really stanford but stanley . So yea .

Then there's the

Ice Bag - A lot of people say it's Wendy cause she's always around ice and she's a cool character . But that's not convincing especially that in "the society of the blind eye" episode she admitted to be stressed 24/7 so who is the ice bag ?

Well , i've noticed that in the convenience store episode , the first ghost sighting was inside a freezer when Dipper was fetching an ice pack .
In season 2 , they defeat the shapeshifter monster by pushing him into a sort of freezing machine .
So is ice related to the monsters of gravity falls ?
Maybe ... That's just my speculation but there's no sure answer so we'll just have to wait for the rest of the series and see .

Thanks for reading :)

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