Weirdmagadon part3

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I watched the series finalie a few days ago (yes I know i'm late) and I loved it except for a few details:

1- they never explained the "gold" thing with Bill. Why does he say : Buy gold ?

2- the cipher circle was too obvious. Like I honestly expected something more meaningful than for Wendy to be ice and pacifica the llama. But oh well.

Other than that, the ending broke my heart, especially the Dipper's last words. And Stan and Ford finally get to live their childhood dream together. It was all too beautiful and too overwhelming and my heart is still breaking.

Maybe when the journal gets out, it'll have an explanation about the gold thing. But I honestly don't know where to get it :p

Anyway, I wish Alex Hirsh will work on other projects because the minute I see his name somewhere I will definitely watch it. He's a genius and i'm so happy I live in the same time-period as him.

Now, I really don't want to end this book, it just feels too soon. The original plan was ending this and starting a GF fanfiction but after watching the Finalie i changed my mind. Alex wanted this to be a series that ended so who am I to extend the story ? Idk
Maybe i'll change my mind later but until then, I will
Be writing One-Shots and I will be posting them either here either on my one-shots book or both ! So request what you want to read (ships-situations...) and i'll write them ! Thank you for reading :)

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