The original Pine Twins

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Yes Stanly and Stanford are the original Pine twins , i already talked about how Mabel is very similar to Stanly , and now we know who Dipper is similar to .

Anyway , what i really wanna talk about is the fight between the two brothers , how silly it is , and how much i love/hate Stanford .

I know these episodes came out a long time ago but i haven't had the chance to write about it yet so i'm doing it now .

Anyway , Stanford and Stanly got into a fight because Stanly supposedly ruined Stanford's chances at getting into " the school of his dreams " or something , which caused Stanford to be forced to go to an average college . Here are the reasons why this is stupid :

1- yes , Stanly did knock over Stanford's science project but it was an ACCIDENT ! He didn't mean to ruin anything for his brother .

2- so he couldn't get into that one school , but Sanford is supposedly a genius , he could've gotten into tons of other great schools !

3- Even if he cost you millions , you do not kick your teenage kid out of your house . You just don't , and if you did than you don't deserve to be a parent . Stanly was out on his own with no one to help
Him , he lost his loved ones . And why ? Because he was afraid of losing his loved ones . Of course he would turn to cheating and scamming , it's how the world works , you're either a wolf or a sheep . Stan chose to be a wolf .

3- Even after YEARS and TREMENDOUS EFFORTS on Stanly's part , Stanford still won't fucking forgive him . He's your brother , he loves you, he proved he did , he worked all these years to save you even though he hates maths and science (i'm guessing he needs those to operate that sort of machine ) and he saved you !!! He's been there for you his entire life, he only made ONE mistake and it wasn't even on purpose . Plus it's been years , build a bridge already and get over it !!!

I like Standord cause he's a good uncle , and he's super smart but i also hate him because he is the worst brother in the history of everything !!!
Stan might be a sneaky schemer , but he's a great person , he takes care of his sister's kids and loves them as if they were his own . He obviously still loves his sister , and through it all , he still loves his brother . Out of the two , the better person is obviously Stanly Pine .

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