Chapter 42

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You used to call me on my cellphone
Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cellphone
Late night when you need my love
And I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Hotline Bling~Drake

Jayden's POV

As I lay in darkness, I hear familiar voices, but I can't seem to place them or the words. I try to move my arm, but I'm immobilized. Trying to open my eyes doesn't work and neither does talking. Soon, I fall asleep.

I wake up again, but this time it's different. I can open my eyes and move my body. It's hard, but I can I look to my right and see Evangeline sleep in the chair. I see that our hands are connected and I give her hand a light squeeze.

"Jayden?" she whines, still asleep.

"Evangeline." I cough out, weakly.

"Jayden?" she stirs awake.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Hey. Are you thirsty?"

I nod my head. She goes out of the room and when she comes back another man is with her. Evangeline gives me my water and helps me drink it.

"Mr. Coin, I'm doctor Wine. How are you feeling?"

"My throat hurts, my head hurts, my back hurts, basically all of me hurts."

"That's understandable with what you've been through." Dr. Wine looks at a chart. "Can you move your body?"

"Yeah, but it hurts."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"I remember picking up Evangeline and going to the picnic. I remember fighting with my dad and the last thing I know is telling you that I love you." I look at Evangeline.

"Well, that's good. You don't have memory lost, but we will do a cat scan later to make sure your brain is okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I look at him.

"Jayden," Evangeline starts. "For a little over a month you have been in a coma."


"You lost a lot of blood and you went into a coma." she rubs my hand.

"What about my-that man?"

"He... umm... he's dead." Evangeline squeezes my hand.


"Miss Willams kicked him; his head hit a rock. With all the blows to his head, the kick he got, and the rock added to the mix, it caused excessive brain damage." Dr. Wine tells me.

"His funeral was yesterday." Evangeline speaks up.

"He was in a coma, too?"

"Yes, but it was medically induced. Mrs. Coin had him on life support until four days ago." the doctor informs me.

"I'm going to go call everyone and tell them that you're awake." Evangeline gives me a peak on the lips before walking out of the room.

"Well, I will have a nurse come get you in a little bit for your cat scan." Dr. Wine smiles.


I sit in my room for a few minutes before Evangeline comes back in. We sit in my room watching T.V. for awhile before everyone else comes.

"Hey. How you feeling?" Jayla comes and sits on the other side of me.

"I'm hurting, but I'll be fine."

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