Chapter 12

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And every time that we break up
We turn around and make up
This can't go on now
I gotta move on now
It's not the fact that I don't love you no more
But I gotta break this bad habit
Can't take this bad habit no more
Bad Habit~Destiny's Child

Jayden's POV

Watching the movie, I notice that Evangeline fell asleep. Moving carefully, not to wake her, I move her head onto the couch. I take Bandit off of her stomach, placing him on the floor. I pick Evangeline up and take her to her room. Leaving her door and the bathroom door open for Bandit, I lock up her house and drive home.

"Jayden, is that you?" I hear a voice as I enter the house.

"Yes, mother. It's me." I walk to the living room.

"Where have you been all night? It's one in the morning."

"I was at Clark's and we watched movies. I'm sorry, we lost track of time."

"Oh, well tomorrow, I want you in this house at a decent time."

"I will, I'm going to bed now." I go upstairs.

I wake up to the sun beating down on my eyelids. I get out of the bed and take a shower. I put on a white t-shirt and my swim trunks I walk downstairs.

"Good morning Mrs. Waits."

"Good morning, Mr. Duel."

"Now, Mrs. Waits, I told you not to call me that. My name is Jayden."

"Sorry Jayden."

"Thanks for the breakfast." I eat a piece of French toast.

"So, what's her name?" Mrs. Waits smiles at me.


"I know last night that you were with a girl. I do the laundry remember. I smelt perfume on your shirt."

"Where's my mom and dad?"

"They both left for Brazil earlier this morning. They won't be back for a week."

"Ok, her name is Evangeline."

"Oh, pretty name."

"Yeah, she's beautiful, smart, sweet, funny, and tough. Last night we went to Rexington's family's farm."

"You know that Sandy girl-"

"Her names Dandy, but what about her?"

"Whatever her name is. She's a piece of work. You know she likes you."

"Yeah, and last night she called Evangeline out of her name and she got punched by Evangeline."

"Are you serious?" she smiles.

"Yep. I told you Evangeline was tough."

"I haven't even met her and I already like her."

"Maybe, I'll bring her here Monday." I speak looking at my watch, "I better get going. I have a date with a beautiful lady."

"Bye, Jayden."

"Bye, Mrs. Waits, I love you."

"I love you more."

I leave the house grabbing my Camry car keys. All the stuff that I need for today is in the trunk of my car. Pulling out of the driveway, I make my way to Evangeline's house.

"Hey." Evangeline opens her door.

"Hey, where is your dad?" I walk into the house.

"He's sleeping. I left him a note on his beside table."

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