My days have consisted of staying in bed catching up on my seasons that I've been too busy or too tired to actually watch, I've finally gotten caught up with The Vampire Diaries, Into The Badlands, and Empire. Everything else is making me wait until next year which my other shows don't air until either February or during or at the end of my summer. I couldn't bare the thought of having to wait so long, and the messed up part is most of the series i'm into left on a cliffhanger so I wont know whether my favorite person in the series dies or if they finally confess their feelings for each other.

James comes over several times a week this is my last week at school until we take our final exams in each class which is on Friday, and the teachers try to cram several different things into our heads before we go off for Christmas break. I should have my facd buried into my math book right now but instead I'm reading John Greens book Paper Towns. Today is only Wednesday and I'm confident that I can get caught up in the work I need to turn in for math class before break on Friday. We only have a half day and I might not even go. It's currently 5:36 and I'm bored out of my mind, I picked up the book I was reading and got temporarily lost in the lives of Quentin Jacobsen and Margo Roth, I unfolded the mark I had put on the page because I was too lazy to go find a slip of paper and use it as a bookmark.

I suddenly smelt the intoxicating smell of smoke, I looked at my page and realized I wasn't reading anything that had fire in it panicking I folded the page I was currently reading, threw the book behind me somewhere and began frantically running through the house making sure nothing was on fire. After checking nearly every room I walked back into my room, cautiously picked up my book, glanced around the room in a 260 angle not even bothering to look fully around my room and got lost once again in the world of my book which was Quentin and Margo. A cold breeze blew through my room making me shudder from the sudden drop in temperature, I picked up the remote to my little heater and pressed the on button and then kicked it up to a toasty 73 degrees. I continued reading my book then the sudden realization dawned on me, I literally should've punched myself for how foolish I was being! I once again marked my page, sat my book down, then got up from the comfort of my slightly warm bed.

Turning around to face my balcony doors I noticed they were not only unlocked but also open to reveal the chilly December air and the now visible to see bare trees naked because of the loss of the leaves. Well, thankfully it wasn't snowing. I walked towards my balcony doors, and reached my hand out to close them but a masculine baritone voice stopped me.

"It took you long enough to figure it out," I jumped back a bit then peered out onto the balcony to find my annoying best friend and to my disadvantage neighbor James smoking a cigarette on my balcony with a smirk plastered on his face.

I counted to ten in my mind before I managed to reply. But apparently not even counting to ten was long enough for me not to throw a bit of a tantrum. I should've counted to a higher number like twenty, maybe one hundred, or a million because that's long enough for me not to throw his ass over the balcony for scaring the living daylights out of me not once, not twice, but three times! Three freaking times!!

Frowning I shouted "what in sam hell are you doing on my balcony at my house smoking a cigarette at night time?" the rant went on and his eyes got a little bigger, probably out of boredom from listening to my long ass rant. I eventually stopped my rant, huffed out a breath and frowned at him.

He took a puff of his cancer stick, blew out the smoke towards my direction then replied "I wanted to stop by," I shot him a glare.

"You seen me at school less than six hours ago, and it you wanted to stop by and say hi you could've at least picked the humane way of doing it and ringing the damn doorbell instead of climbing all the way up here, scaring me three times while you were here including making me thing the house was on fire because of your death stick. Frankly, I should throw you over the banister right now just to save myself the trouble of further yelling at you." I snapped.

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