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How do I do this?

Should I like start thinking about ways to vanish?

Or should I escape from this place and then try to vanish since that old dude controls my desire here?

Second choice seems better.

Maybe...I can make the heaven's fairy believe that I'm a half dead soul who needs to be back in Earth.

I could stand in the line where the soul are taken back to Earth, but all of them are too skilled to fall for that.

Unless, I find the rookies. Rookies who'll make rookie mistakes. All I need to do is to touch their hand with their permission and I'll be able to escape.

Or I could make this easier too.

I run up to one of the heaven's fairy while smiling like an idiot.

Orion: Ayyyy heaven fairy!

I raise my hand to give him a high five.

He smiles and replies back to me with a greeting. Also, doesn't leave my precious high five hanging.

As soon as our hands come in contact, I'm underwater. I swim back up to the surface.

Ah. Human world. We meet again.

That was much easier than I thought.

High fives has become my savior!

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