» ƒυηηу «

28 9 4

It's funny, really.

Once I stepped out of her house, I got attacked by a evil spirit.

Of course, I won against it.

Though, it was my first time killing one.

Technically, they'll revive.

Evil spirits don't die.

Shockingly, you see memories once you kill them.

I must say memories aren't the best thing in the world.

I didn't want to see it.

It doesn't concern me.

But I did.

I went back to Jayel.

There was a evil spirit chuckling while watching her sleep.

Are you kidding me?

I stood there for a while.

Just watching what he's trying to do.

Evil pervert from the way I look at it.

Anyways, the evil pervert hovered his hand over her heart.

A long string of black smokey thread were trying to enter her heart.

It's not possible.

I've already put a barrier.

Hey. Hey. Safety reasons. I want to go back to heaven.

Me: It would be nice if you tried not controlling that human because it's not going to happen anyway.

The evil spirit looked my way and smiled.

Then, it vanished.


I went to Jayel, but something was strange.

There was a strange marking on her neck.

It was glowing.

I touched it.

And I was engulfed into darkness.

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